Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
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13 summaries
Coach For Life Institute is a fully ICF accredited (ACTP) COACH training and certification company. This YouTube Channel features information, insights and updates for Coach For Life Grads as well as prospective students who are interested in starting or furthering their coaching mastery. Coach For Life Institute was established in 1996, was the 5th formal coaching school to be awarded the ICF's highest accreditation of not one but 2 ACTP - Accredited Coach Training Program designations in 1999 & 2000. In our proprietary Fulfillment Coaching Model™, Triple-loop Coaching Model™, CoreSELFtech™ Processes, and the Inspired Learning Model™ we have proven coaching models and coach training models that have trained thousands of coaches from around who are now supporting hundreds of thousands coaching clients to live more conscious and fulfilling lives - at home and at work!
Series #3 - Episode 1: Introduction to ICF PCC Markers
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A comprehensive discussion about the ICF PCC markers, their distinction from core competencies, and their use in assessing professional coaching.
Series #1 - Episode 1: ICF Core Competency #1 & #2
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A detailed exploration of what it means to be a professional coach, the importance of ICF's core competencies, and the mindset required for effective coaching.
Series #3 - Episode 2: ICF PCC Markers 1 & 2
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
This video provides a detailed discussion on professional coaching, specifically focusing on the ICF PCC markers, ethical practices, and coaching mindset.
Series #3 - Episode 3: ICF PCC Marker 3 - Establishes & Maintains Agreements
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A detailed examination of ICF PCC Marker #3, focusing on establishing and maintaining agreements within a coaching session.
Series #1 - Episode 2: ICF Core Competency #3
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A detailed exploration of the ICF Competency Model focusing on Competency #3: Establishes and Maintains Agreements.
Series #3 - Episode 7: ICF PCC Marker 7 - Evokes Awareness
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
Peter J. Redding discusses the ICF's PCC markers, focusing on evoking awareness to enhance professional coaching.
Series #2 - Episode 1: ICF Code of Ethics - Parts 1 through 3
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A detailed explanation of the ICF Code of Ethics for professional coaches.
Series #3 - Episode 4: ICF PCC Marker 4 - Cultivates Trust & Safety
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A detailed examination of ICF's PCC marker number four, focusing on the importance of cultivating trust and safety in the coaching relationship.
Series #3 - Episode 5: ICF PCC Marker 5 - Maintains Presence
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A detailed exploration of the ICF's PCC Marker Number 5, emphasizing the importance of maintaining presence in coaching sessions.
Series #3 - Episode 8: ICF PCC Marker 8 - Facilitates Client Growth
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
The video explores the final PCC marker, which focuses on facilitating client growth and includes detailed explanations of each sub-marker.
Series #3 - Episode 6: ICF PCC Marker 6 - Listens Actively
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A comprehensive exploration of PCC markers, especially focusing on the sixth marker, 'Listens Actively', and its significance in professional coaching.
Series #2 - Episode 2: ICF Code of Ethics, Part 4 - 1-13
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
A detailed examination of ICF core ethics and their application in professional coaching.
Series #2 - Episode 3: ICF Code of Ethics Part 4, 14-28 and Part 5
Coach For Life - Exploring Coaching Mastery
Peter J. Redding continues the discussion on the ICF Code of Ethics, covering standards 14 to 28 and the ethical pledge.