David Hoffman
1m subscribers
1 summary
I post videos at 3pm Pacific during weekdays and at 11AM Pacific during weekends. Please support me at www.patreon.com/allinaday or at https://paypal.me/Davidhoffmanfilms. You might also want to join my Patreon community at www.patreon.com/davidhoffmanfilmmaker. I have been making documentary films since I was 21 years old. I am now 82 (June 2023). I love filming "real" people and while I enjoy cinematography and conducting interviews with famous folks, it is the "ordinary" people and their wonderful extraordinary lives and stories that most fascinate me. I made this YouTube channel to share my work with others–thinking of 3 generations. Mine. Those people now in their forties and fifties. And millennials. I am very supportive of my subscribers and communicate with them as often as I can. My hope is to continue to grow my channel and someday make my living from my YouTube clips and the advertising YouTube allows. Thank you. www.whoisdavidhoffman.com
You Say OK Boomer! What The Hell Is That About? My Opinion
David Hoffman
David Hoffman addresses the intense and personal comments on his channel, discussing gender and generational communication differences.