Jacob Geller


1.3m subscribers

3 summaries

Talking about video games, history, politics, empathy, and more- typically at the same time, always unpredictably. Email me: jacobgeller (at) standard.tv


Fear of Cold

Fear of Cold

Jacob Geller

Jacob Geller

The video explores the nature of cold, its impact on humans and the environment, and its depiction in literature and media.

How Can We Bear to Throw Anything Away?

How Can We Bear to Throw Anything Away?

Jacob Geller

Jacob Geller

The video discusses the challenges of preserving video game history, the impermanence of digital content, and the personal conflict over data hoarding.

The Best Ten Games of 2023

The Best Ten Games of 2023

Jacob Geller

Jacob Geller

A detailed reflection on the video games played in 2023, highlighting favorites, industry trends, and personal gaming experiences.