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4 summaries
Science and stories about our awesome planet! Our staff: Lizah van der Aart, Sarah Berman, Cameron Duke, Arcadi Garcia, David Goldenberg, Melissa Hayes, Alex Reich, Henry Reich, Peter Reich, Ever Salazar, Leonardo Souza, Kate Yoshida and Jasper Palfree. MinuteEarth is produced by Neptune Studios LLC
How Long Can We Live?
The video explains how natural selection relates to the increasing odds of dying with age and projects the potential maximum human lifespan.
Why Biodiversity Is Good For The Economy
Emily discusses how biodiversity contributes to the economy by highlighting the value of diverse ecosystems in forests, farms, and waterways.
How To Solve Every Global Crisis
David from MinuteEarth explains how the world addressed the ozone layer crisis and smallpox eradication using a four-step formula, and discusses the challenges in tackling current global issues.
Where The Weird Things Are
The video explores the unique and alien-like life forms of the Southern Ocean, highlighting their adaptations to the extreme environment.