World Health Organization (WHO)
890k subscribers
2 summaries
The official public health information Youtube channel of the World Health Organization (WHO) WHO Mission: Providing leadership on global health matters - Shaping the health research agenda - Setting norms and standards - Articulating evidence-based policy options - Providing technical support to countries and monitoring - Assessing health trends. WHO has six regional offices and 147 country offices. WHO reserves the right to delete comments that are: offensive or abusive, including aggressing a third-party organization or individual; containing anger, hate and/or violence; containing personal defamatory; ; considered as third-party promotion or marketing; including links to third-party web sites; spamming the conversations; inappropriately long; containing personal information, such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses or phone numbers; are out of context of the post on which they were posted;
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
World Health Organization (WHO)
A detailed exploration of the emergence, characteristics, spread, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of COVID-19.
Enfermedades pulmonares causadas por el tabaco: Parte 1 - mesa redonda del Día Mundial Sin Tabaco
World Health Organization (WHO)
This webinar marks World No Tobacco Day with discussions on the dangers of tobacco use and benefits of quitting, featuring experts Dr. Jane Rohini Oh Momo, Dr. Vin Gupta, and Dr. Havi Gouda.