08 common Interview question and answers - Job Interview Skills

Niharika provides detailed strategies for answering common interview questions, highlighting what interviewers are looking for and common mistakes to avoid.


  • Niharika introduces the concept of understanding the interviewer's mindset behind common questions.
  • Explains how to express confidence and passion when asked to talk about oneself.
  • Details the approach to discussing strengths and how to positively frame weaknesses.
  • Offers strategies for addressing questions about future plans, company knowledge, handling change, working under pressure, and making important decisions.
  • Emphasizes the importance of research, realistic answers, and showcasing one's true self.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Interview Preparation

0:05 - 35 sec

Niharika introduces the topic of interview preparation, emphasizing understanding the interviewer's perspective.

Niharika introduces the topic of interview preparation, emphasizing understanding the interviewer's perspective.

  • Niharika introduces herself and the focus of the video on interview questions.
  • Explains that the video will delve into the interviewers' expectations and common mistakes candidates make.

Chapter 2

Answering 'Tell Me About Yourself'

0:54 - 1 min, 28 sec

Niharika explains how to answer questions about oneself, focusing on displaying confidence and communication skills.

Niharika explains how to answer questions about oneself, focusing on displaying confidence and communication skills.

  • Discusses the interviewer's intention behind asking candidates to talk about themselves.
  • Advises against mentioning hobbies like watching movies or partying, and instead focusing on education, work experience, and personal interests.

Chapter 3

Discussing Your Strengths

2:31 - 55 sec

Niharika discusses how to effectively communicate one's strengths during an interview.

Niharika discusses how to effectively communicate one's strengths during an interview.

  • Explains that the interviewer is looking for positivity and self-awareness in a candidate's response.
  • Advises avoiding generic one-liners and instead giving detailed examples that illustrate key strengths.

Chapter 4

Talking About Your Weaknesses

3:36 - 1 min, 17 sec

Niharika describes how to turn the discussion about weaknesses into a positive.

Niharika describes how to turn the discussion about weaknesses into a positive.

  • Explains that admitting to weaknesses like impatience or anger is not ideal.
  • Suggests mentioning a weakness that can also be seen as a strength, like being detail-oriented, and explaining how you are addressing it.

Chapter 5

Future Plans and Goals

5:04 - 1 min, 11 sec

Niharika provides advice on how to answer questions about future goals and commitment to the company.

Niharika provides advice on how to answer questions about future goals and commitment to the company.

  • Explains that the interviewer wants to assess your commitment and see if you have thought about your career path.
  • Advises giving realistic and structured responses that show a willingness to grow with the company.

Chapter 6

Knowledge of the Company

6:28 - 1 min, 1 sec

Niharika emphasizes the need to research the company before an interview.

Niharika emphasizes the need to research the company before an interview.

  • Explains the interviewer is gauging your seriousness about the job by asking what you know about the company.
  • Advises doing thorough research and mentioning specific positive aspects of the company in your answer.

Chapter 7

Handling Change

7:37 - 1 min, 6 sec

Niharika talks about answering questions related to adapting to change.

Niharika talks about answering questions related to adapting to change.

  • Explains that companies need employees who can adapt to changes in strategy or personnel.
  • Advises giving examples of past experiences where you successfully adapted to change.

Chapter 8

Working Under Pressure

8:53 - 1 min, 20 sec

Niharika discusses how to demonstrate your ability to work under pressure.

Niharika discusses how to demonstrate your ability to work under pressure.

  • Explains that the interviewer is looking to see if you can handle stress and increased responsibilities.
  • Suggests giving examples of past experiences where you managed to complete projects under tight deadlines.

Chapter 9

Making Important Decisions

10:23 - 1 min, 13 sec

Niharika provides insights into answering questions about decision-making skills.

Niharika provides insights into answering questions about decision-making skills.

  • Explains that for leadership roles, interviewers want to know how you handle critical decisions.
  • Advises discussing how you use your experience, analyze pros and cons, and consult team members when making decisions.

Chapter 10

Closing Remarks

11:41 - 17 sec

Niharika wraps up the lesson and wishes viewers success in their interviews.

Niharika wraps up the lesson and wishes viewers success in their interviews.

  • Concludes the session by summarizing the key points and wishing viewers luck with their job interviews.
  • Encourages viewers to use the shared strategies in their upcoming interviews.