10 Things Only Self-Aware People Do



5 min, 28 sec

This video outlines ten key behaviors that are indicative of self-aware individuals.


  • Self-aware individuals choose their words carefully and think before they speak.
  • They are open to new ideas and manage their time efficiently.
  • Journaling, practicing patience, and using empathy are common practices among self-aware people.
  • They accept failures, remain humble, seek feedback, and often talk to themselves to sort through their thoughts.

Chapter 1


0:00 - 17 sec

Introduction to the video and its purpose of promoting self-awareness.

Introduction to the video and its purpose of promoting self-awareness.

  • The video begins by thanking viewers for support and stating the mission of making psychology accessible.
  • The introduction sets the stage for the upcoming content which focuses on self-awareness.

Chapter 2

The Importance of Self-Awareness

0:19 - 20 sec

The segment emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in daily interactions.

The segment emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in daily interactions.

  • Being self-aware is about being mindful of one's feelings and behaviors.
  • Self-aware individuals understand how they interact with their environment and others.

Chapter 3

Choosing Words Wisely

0:45 - 28 sec

Self-aware people are thoughtful about their communication.

Self-aware people are thoughtful about their communication.

  • Thinking before speaking is a hallmark of self-awareness.
  • Choosing words wisely is key to building better relationships and healthier habits.

Chapter 4

Openness to New Ideas

1:16 - 23 sec

Self-aware individuals are receptive to different perspectives.

Self-aware individuals are receptive to different perspectives.

  • Listening to different views helps in reflecting and supporting one's ideas.
  • This openness fosters better understanding of oneself and others.

Chapter 5

Time Management

1:42 - 22 sec

Effective time management is a practiced skill among self-aware people.

Effective time management is a practiced skill among self-aware people.

  • They know their strengths and weaknesses which helps in task estimation.
  • Planning and prioritizing assignments are outcomes of this awareness.

Chapter 6

Journaling for Self-Reflection

2:07 - 23 sec

Journaling is a technique used by self-aware individuals to manage emotions.

Journaling is a technique used by self-aware individuals to manage emotions.

  • It serves as an outlet for emotions and aids in understanding one's mindset.
  • Journaling can reduce stress and identify sources of unhappiness.

Chapter 7

Practicing Patience

2:33 - 20 sec

Patience is a key trait of self-aware people, helping to avoid impulsive decisions.

Patience is a key trait of self-aware people, helping to avoid impulsive decisions.

  • Being patient allows for better understanding of emotions and mental states.
  • It's an essential skill for mitigating stress and making considered choices.

Chapter 8

Empathy in Action

2:56 - 21 sec

Self-aware individuals use empathy to understand the impact of their actions on others.

Self-aware individuals use empathy to understand the impact of their actions on others.

  • Empathy enhances social relationships and compassion.
  • Understanding others is as important as self-understanding for self-aware people.

Chapter 9

Acceptance of Failures

3:20 - 21 sec

Self-aware people accept and learn from their failures.

Self-aware people accept and learn from their failures.

  • They acknowledge mistakes and understand their abilities' limits.
  • Learning from failures is crucial for personal growth and improvement.

Chapter 10

Humility and Confidence

3:45 - 18 sec

Humility is a trait self-aware individuals display, knowing when to showcase their abilities.

Humility is a trait self-aware individuals display, knowing when to showcase their abilities.

  • They avoid boasting and are confident in their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Humbleness contributes to better self-control and work performance.

Chapter 11

Seeking Feedback

4:04 - 23 sec

Self-aware individuals actively seek feedback to improve themselves.

Self-aware individuals actively seek feedback to improve themselves.

  • Feedback helps them recognize areas for growth and reinforces their drive for self-improvement.
  • Asking for feedback is seen as an opportunity rather than a source of fear.

Chapter 12

Self-Talk for Clarity

4:27 - 27 sec

Talking to oneself is a method used by self-aware people to organize thoughts and remember tasks.

Talking to oneself is a method used by self-aware people to organize thoughts and remember tasks.

  • Self-talk aids in decision-making and makes goals appear more tangible.
  • It's an effective strategy for mental organization and prioritization.

Chapter 13

Closing Remarks

4:58 - 29 sec

The video ends with a call to action and appreciation for viewer engagement.

The video ends with a call to action and appreciation for viewer engagement.

  • Viewers are encouraged to comment, like, and share the video.
  • Subscriptions and notifications are promoted along with a mention of references in the description.

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