100 Hours in the World’s Richest Country No One Knows Exists

Yes Theory

Yes Theory

35 min, 29 sec

The video documents an attempt to meet the royal family of Liechtenstein, alongside completing various side quests in the country.


  • The primary goal to meet the royal family was ultimately unsuccessful despite several attempts and strategies.
  • Side quests included getting on national media, hosting a party for strangers, and having a local experience, which were more successful.
  • The hosts formed a significant friendship with a local named Walter who helped facilitate many of their activities.
  • The video concludes with a party at Walter's restaurant, celebrating the new connections made despite the main objective not being met.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Royal Quest

0:00 - 54 sec

The introduction sets the historical context and explains the uniqueness of Liechtenstein's royal family.

The introduction sets the historical context and explains the uniqueness of Liechtenstein's royal family.

  • The monologue explains the decline of royal power in Europe, with Liechtenstein as an exception.
  • The Liechtenstein royal family's fortune is contrasted with Queen Elizabeth's to illustrate their wealth.
  • The family's privacy and the country's richness and secrecy are highlighted.

Chapter 2

Journey to Liechtenstein

0:54 - 32 sec

The journey to Liechtenstein begins, showcasing travel challenges and initial plans.

The journey to Liechtenstein begins, showcasing travel challenges and initial plans.

  • The travelers fly to Switzerland due to Liechtenstein having no airport and drive to the country.
  • Initial thoughts on the country's wealth and size are shared.
  • The travelers discuss their lack of contacts and plan but set out with optimism.

Chapter 3

First Impressions and Mission Briefing

1:25 - 51 sec

First impressions of Liechtenstein and a detailed explanation of the mission to meet the royal family.

First impressions of Liechtenstein and a detailed explanation of the mission to meet the royal family.

  • The travelers express their admiration for the country's beauty and begin exploring.
  • They discuss the main mission and additional quests, such as appearing on national media and hosting a party.
  • Initial attempts to connect with locals and gain information about the royal family are made.

Chapter 4

Exploring Liechtenstein

2:17 - 48 sec

The travelers explore the country and attempt to connect with locals to achieve their missions.

The travelers explore the country and attempt to connect with locals to achieve their missions.

  • The country's history, wealth, and industrialization are discussed.
  • Attempts to connect with locals in the capital city are made.
  • The travelers meet Walter, a local restaurant owner, who becomes a key contact.

Chapter 5

Efforts to Meet the Royal Family

3:05 - 58 sec

The travelers make concerted efforts to arrange a meeting with Liechtenstein's royal family.

The travelers make concerted efforts to arrange a meeting with Liechtenstein's royal family.

  • Multiple strategies to approach the royal family, including contacting government offices and visiting the castle, are made.
  • The travelers face challenges and rejections but remain optimistic.
  • They utilize the concept of six degrees of separation to get closer to the royal family.

Chapter 6

Media Appearances and Party Planning

4:03 - 1 min, 20 sec

The travelers make media appearances and plan a party for locals as part of their side quests.

The travelers make media appearances and plan a party for locals as part of their side quests.

  • The travelers successfully get scheduled for appearances on national radio and TV.
  • They begin organizing a party for strangers with Walter's help.
  • Despite setbacks, the team continues to push forward with their mission.

Chapter 7

Continued Attempts and Local Interactions

5:23 - 1 min, 9 sec

Efforts to meet the royal family continue, coupled with interactions with locals.

Efforts to meet the royal family continue, coupled with interactions with locals.

  • The travelers persist in their attempts to meet the royal family, facing more rejections.
  • They engage with locals, distributing party invitations and sharing their mission.
  • The travelers are interviewed by national media and remain hopeful.

Chapter 8

The Party at Walter's

6:32 - 28 min, 57 sec

The travelers host a party at Walter's restaurant, celebrating the friendships made in Liechtenstein.

The travelers host a party at Walter's restaurant, celebrating the friendships made in Liechtenstein.

  • The party is a success with many locals attending, including those invited by the travelers.
  • The travelers give a speech thanking Walter and the guests for their warmth and spontaneity.
  • The event solidifies the new connections made despite not meeting the royal family.