12 Stupidly Simple Ways to be Healthier in 2024 (Even if You're LAZY)

alpha m.

alpha m.

9 min, 47 sec

The video provides simple strategies to improve health, including diet, hydration, supplements, and lifestyle habits.


  • Consume higher quality, organic meats and avoid processed meats laden with nitrates and preservatives.
  • Reduce sugar intake and avoid artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which are associated with health risks.
  • Drink primarily water, potentially with lemon for flavor and vitamin C, and cut out unhealthy beverages like energy drinks and alcohol.
  • Take a multivitamin and consider gut health supplements like prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics.
  • Get sunlight early in the day to reset the circadian rhythm, prioritize sleep, and reduce screen time to recalibrate dopamine levels.

Chapter 1

Prioritize Meat Quality and Reduce Processed Meats

0:14 - 42 sec

Eating higher quality meat and avoiding processed meats improves health.

Eating higher quality meat and avoiding processed meats improves health.

  • Choose organic meats to avoid hormones and chemicals that negatively impact health.
  • Processed meats like lunch meats and hot dogs are high in nitrates, salts, and preservatives, detrimental to health.

Chapter 2

Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

0:58 - 30 sec

Reducing sugar and avoiding artificial sweeteners are key to a healthier body.

Reducing sugar and avoiding artificial sweeteners are key to a healthier body.

  • Sugar spikes insulin levels and increases body fat, while artificial sweeteners like aspartame can increase health risks.

Chapter 3

Healthy Hydration and Ditching Unhealthy Drinks

1:32 - 33 sec

Staying hydrated with water and cutting out unhealthy beverages is crucial for health.

Staying hydrated with water and cutting out unhealthy beverages is crucial for health.

  • Replace unhealthy drinks like Frappuccinos, energy drinks, and beer with water, optionally flavored with lemon.

Chapter 4

Supplements: Multivitamins and Gut Health

2:09 - 2 min, 3 sec

Taking a multivitamin and gut health supplements supports overall well-being.

Taking a multivitamin and gut health supplements supports overall well-being.

  • A daily multivitamin ensures essential micronutrient intake; Ritual Essential for Men is recommended.
  • Gut health can be improved with prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics, such as Ritual Symbiotic Plus.

Chapter 5

Sunlight, Sleep, and Screen Time

4:50 - 1 min, 5 sec

Managing sunlight exposure, sleep, and screen time are important for a healthy circadian rhythm and mental state.

Managing sunlight exposure, sleep, and screen time are important for a healthy circadian rhythm and mental state.

  • Morning sunlight exposure helps reset the circadian rhythm, improving mood and sleep quality.
  • Aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep and reducing screen time can enhance mental health and motivation.

Chapter 6

Mental and Brain Health

8:53 - 53 sec

Maintaining mental and brain health involves therapy, cutting out bad influences, and staying mentally active.

Maintaining mental and brain health involves therapy, cutting out bad influences, and staying mentally active.

  • Seek therapy if needed, remove toxic friends, and engage in learning to keep the brain active.
  • Cut out pornography to improve confidence and relationships, and maintain sexual health responsibly.

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