2023, in 7 minutes



7 min, 50 sec

A summary of various global and national events addressing political, social, environmental, and economic topics.


  • The President ends the National Emergency declared during the pandemic, while concerts by Taylor Swift and Beyonce boost the US economy.
  • The US experiences a summer of strikes, groundbreaking AI discussions, a surge in social media platform X, and concerns over TikTok's access to home Wi-Fi.
  • The Middle East faces conflict as Hamas launches a major attack on Israel, with Israel stating over a thousand were killed and enforcing a siege on Gaza.
  • Climate disasters include the hottest year on record, devastating natural disasters in Hawaii, and contentious discussions at COP28 on fossil fuel deals.
  • Corporate America faces layoffs, while the US takes actions to fight inflation and the cost of living; the banking sector sees major failures.
  • International conflicts and disasters reported, with a focus on Ukraine, Brazil, Turkey, Syria, and natural calamities causing loss of life and infrastructure.

Chapter 1

End of National Emergency and Economic News

0:07 - 16 sec

The President ends the pandemic National Emergency; concerts by major artists give the economy a boost.

The President ends the pandemic National Emergency; concerts by major artists give the economy a boost.

  • The President has signed a bill to end the National Emergency declared during the pandemic.
  • Concerts by Taylor Swift and Beyonce are noted to provide an actual boost to the US economy.

Chapter 2

Strikes, AI, and Social Media Dynamics

0:27 - 25 sec

The summer is marked by strikes, AI importance, social media platform X's rise, and TikTok security concerns.

The summer is marked by strikes, AI importance, social media platform X's rise, and TikTok security concerns.

  • Described as the 'summer of strikes,' the S after strike marks its first official day.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is highlighted as a crucial topic of discussion.
  • Twitter's competitor, platform X, is gaining traction, with some referring to it as the 'Twitter killer'.
  • Security concerns arise over TikTok's access to home Wi-Fi networks.

Chapter 3

Middle East Conflict and Israeli Military's Response

0:54 - 27 sec

Hamas attacks Israel, resulting in significant casualties and a strict siege on Gaza by the Israeli military.

Hamas attacks Israel, resulting in significant casualties and a strict siege on Gaza by the Israeli military.

  • Hamas launches its largest attack on Israel in years, leading to Israeli military action.
  • The Israeli military claims over a thousand people were killed and states that a complete siege is being put on Gaza.
  • No place in Gaza is considered safe amidst the conflict.

Chapter 4

Global Climate Crises and COP28 Controversy

1:24 - 55 sec

Record-breaking heat, widespread natural disasters, and COP28's fossil fuel discussions highlight climate challenges.

Record-breaking heat, widespread natural disasters, and COP28's fossil fuel discussions highlight climate challenges.

  • 2023 is set to be the hottest year on record with dense haze affecting regions from New England to Washington DC.
  • Hawaii faces some of the worst natural disasters in its history, and the death toll from fires is significant.
  • COP28's team faces backlash for allegedly using climate meetings to negotiate fossil fuel deals.

Chapter 5

Economic Challenges and Corporate Layoffs

2:19 - 33 sec

Corporate America sees layoffs and banks fail as the government aims to curb inflation and living costs.

Corporate America sees layoffs and banks fail as the government aims to curb inflation and living costs.

  • Corporate America is experiencing widespread layoffs, with personal testimonies of job loss.
  • The government is actively taking measures to reduce inflation and alleviate cost of living concerns.
  • The banking sector is hit with major bank failures, signaling economic instability.

Chapter 6

International Conflicts and Natural Disasters

4:19 - 54 sec

Conflicts in Ukraine, Brazil, and Sudan, along with earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, mark a year of turmoil.

Conflicts in Ukraine, Brazil, and Sudan, along with earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, mark a year of turmoil.

  • Ukraine's full-scale invasion by Russia continues, with a stark message that the war ends only if Russia leaves.
  • Protests and government building occupations occur in Brazil, while Sudan faces intensified fighting.
  • Natural disasters include earthquakes in Turkey and Syria with a death toll in the tens of thousands.

Chapter 7

US Domestic Issues and Social Justice

5:45 - 1 min, 37 sec

The US grapples with social justice issues, including gun control, LGBTQ+ rights, and the aftermath of police violence.

The US grapples with social justice issues, including gun control, LGBTQ+ rights, and the aftermath of police violence.

  • Legislative inaction on gun laws is criticized in light of mass shootings in Kentucky and Tennessee.
  • LGBTQ+ rights face both advances and setbacks with affirmative action ending and businesses being allowed to refuse service based on sexual orientation.
  • Controversy surrounds the release of footage related to Tyrie Nichols' death and the subsequent arrest of five officers.

Chapter 8

Global Political Developments and Space Exploration

6:56 - 35 sec

Notable political resolutions, advancements in space exploration, and victories in sports and human rights are highlighted.

Notable political resolutions, advancements in space exploration, and victories in sports and human rights are highlighted.

  • Deals are made to free hostages amid ongoing conflicts, while India celebrates its lunar mission.
  • Human rights progress is seen in Mexico's Supreme Court ruling on abortion and global support for Palestinian people.
  • Sports achievements include Spain winning the World Cup, and an individual celebrates an EGOT win.

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