5 Lessons on Happiness — from Pop Fame to Poisonous Snakes | Mike Posner | TED



18 min, 0 sec

Mike Posner shares his journey of walking across America, the challenges he faced, and the life lessons he learned.


  • Mike Posner performs 'I Took a Pill in Ibiza' and reflects on his past self.
  • He shares the importance of his father's wishes for him to be healthy and happy.
  • Posner discusses his struggle with happiness despite his fame and success.
  • He narrates his decision and preparation to walk across America, facing skepticism.
  • Posner describes his journey, the physical and mental challenges, and the valuable lessons learned about growth, happiness, and taking action.
  • He performs a song dedicated to his father and emphasizes the lesson not to wait to pursue dreams.

Chapter 1

Opening Performance

0:08 - 1 min, 27 sec

Mike Posner performs 'I Took a Pill in Ibiza'.

Mike Posner performs 'I Took a Pill in Ibiza'.

  • The performance starts with instrumental music.
  • Posner sings about past experiences, chasing fame, and the emptiness it brought.

Chapter 2

Introduction to Mike Posner

1:36 - 22 sec

Mike Posner introduces himself and hints at his transformation since his hit song.

Mike Posner introduces himself and hints at his transformation since his hit song.

  • Posner thanks the audience and introduces himself.
  • He acknowledges the recognition from his song but indicates he has changed.

Chapter 3

Posner's Background and Inspirations

1:58 - 1 min, 10 sec

Posner shares his backstory and his father's influence on his pursuit of happiness.

Posner shares his backstory and his father's influence on his pursuit of happiness.

  • He talks about his father's two wishes for him: to be healthy and happy.
  • Posner admits to struggling with happiness and his attempt to be liked by everyone.

Chapter 4

Facing Unhappiness and a Turning Point

3:09 - 1 min, 16 sec

Posner confronts his unhappiness and the decision to walk across America.

Posner confronts his unhappiness and the decision to walk across America.

  • Despite fame, Posner feels alone and unhappy, trying various methods to find happiness.
  • He decides to walk across America, facing criticism from his industry.

Chapter 5

The Journey Begins

4:24 - 1 min, 20 sec

Posner starts his walk across America, overcoming initial fears and doubts.

Posner starts his walk across America, overcoming initial fears and doubts.

  • He describes the negative thoughts he had before the walk.
  • Posner starts his journey, pushing through fears as he takes the first step.

Chapter 6

Challenges and Perseverance on the Road

5:44 - 1 min, 8 sec

As Posner walks across various states, he endures physical pain and extreme weather.

As Posner walks across various states, he endures physical pain and extreme weather.

  • He experiences blistering foot pain and heat waves but perseveres.
  • Posner continues walking for over three months, facing a rattlesnake bite.

Chapter 7

Life Lessons from Adversity

6:52 - 2 min, 12 sec

Posner shares lessons learned from his walk, including embracing growth for happiness.

Posner shares lessons learned from his walk, including embracing growth for happiness.

  • He spends time in ICU from the snake bite and faces a decision to quit or continue.
  • Posner resumes his journey, learning that true happiness comes from growth.

Chapter 8

Remembering His Father

9:04 - 3 min, 46 sec

Posner reflects on his father's passing and the impact on his journey.

Posner reflects on his father's passing and the impact on his journey.

  • He regrets postponing the walk, as his father never saw him achieve this dream or find happiness.
  • Posner emphasizes the importance of not waiting to pursue one's dreams.

Chapter 9

Closing Performance and Dedication

12:50 - 5 min, 4 sec

Posner performs a song dedicated to his father and concludes the talk.

Posner performs a song dedicated to his father and concludes the talk.

  • He dedicates a song to his father, discussing themes of loss, love, and acceptance.
  • Posner finishes his performance and thanks the audience.

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