5 things YOU DO that narcissists hate the most



45 min, 34 sec

A detailed examination of the dynamics in narcissistic relationships, including power, control, entitlement, and abandonment.


  • Narcissistic relationships lack space for two realities, thriving on domination and control, failing when challenged.
  • Red flags such as entitlement and inability to cope with not being special signify potential problems in a relationship.
  • The narcissist's reaction to perceived abandonment or loss of control can range from rage to victimhood to abandonment.
  • Setting boundaries is often met with accusations of being controlling, revealing the narcissist's rejection sensitivity.
  • Healing involves recognizing the narcissistic cycle and becoming secure within oneself, despite the narcissist's reactions.

Chapter 1

The One-Sided Nature of Narcissistic Relationships

0:00 - 21 sec

Narcissistic relationships are one-sided, focusing on domination and control.

Narcissistic relationships are one-sided, focusing on domination and control.

  • Narcissistic relationships can't accommodate two separate realities and are based on one partner dominating and controlling the other.
  • Challenging the dynamic leads to the relationship's failure, often resulting in the narcissist either exploding in anger or leaving.
  • The relationship relies on the partner's subjugation; once this is challenged, the relationship's untenable nature is exposed.

Chapter 2

Red Flags of Narcissistic Entitlement

0:28 - 2 min, 25 sec

Entitlement and specialness are red flags in new narcissistic relationships.

Entitlement and specialness are red flags in new narcissistic relationships.

  • Early detection of narcissistic red flags is crucial; pay attention to patterns indicating potential issues.
  • A red flag is the narcissist's reaction to not being seen as special, which could lead to rage and inadequate behavior.
  • Entitlement is a core of narcissism, with narcissists believing they deserve privileges and that rules apply differently to them.

Chapter 3

Abandonment in Narcissistic Personalities

3:11 - 42 min, 22 sec

Narcissists have a heightened sensitivity to abandonment and react negatively to loss of control.

Narcissists have a heightened sensitivity to abandonment and react negatively to loss of control.

  • Narcissists are sensitive to abandonment, which triggers shame and rage when they are not seen as special.
  • They retaliate when their special status is challenged, through criticism, threats, or punitive actions.
  • Narcissistic individuals can experience abandonment even in minor separations, which reflects their attachment issues.

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