6 Journaling Techniques That Will Change Your Life



6 min, 21 sec

The video explains various journaling techniques and their psychological benefits, supported by research and expert opinions.


  • Stream of consciousness journaling helps clear the mind and understand thought patterns, with Dr. James Pennebaker's research suggesting health benefits.
  • Gratitude journaling, endorsed by Dr. Robert Emmons, can improve physical and mental health, and foster positive social connections.
  • Future self journaling, as researched by Dr. Laura King, can increase purpose and optimism by imagining and writing about an ideal future self.
  • Intention setting journaling involves writing down goals and intentions, which Dr. Gail Matthews found increases achievement rates.
  • Self-reflection journaling promotes self-awareness and emotional regulation, with Dr. Karen Bluth's research indicating mental health benefits.
  • Dream journaling can provide insights into the subconscious and boost creativity, as suggested by Dr. Ruben N.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Journaling

0:00 - 24 sec

The introduction raises curiosity about journaling and its various techniques that enhance self-understanding and emotional processing.

The introduction raises curiosity about journaling and its various techniques that enhance self-understanding and emotional processing.

  • The speaker addresses the audience, inquiring about their journaling habits and the techniques they use.
  • A brief overview is given on the intent of journaling - to understand oneself, process emotions and experiences, and grow personally.

Chapter 2

Stream of Consciousness Journaling

0:25 - 33 sec

Stream of consciousness journaling involves unfiltered writing, which can aid in mental clarity and self-reflection.

Stream of consciousness journaling involves unfiltered writing, which can aid in mental clarity and self-reflection.

  • This technique is about letting thoughts flow onto the page without editing, beneficial for clearing the mind and understanding thoughts.
  • Dr. James Pennebaker's study is cited, showing health improvements from writing about emotions for 20 minutes a day over four days.
  • To apply this method, find a quiet space, set a timer for 20 minutes, and write thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Chapter 3

Gratitude Journaling

1:23 - 44 sec

Gratitude journaling focuses on recognizing the positive aspects of life, improving health and social connections.

Gratitude journaling focuses on recognizing the positive aspects of life, improving health and social connections.

  • Dr. Robert Emmons' research shows that expressing gratitude can enhance physical and mental health and strengthen relationships.
  • Practicing gratitude journaling involves listing things one is grateful for daily, leading to increased positivity.

Chapter 4

Future Self Journaling

2:12 - 1 min, 5 sec

Journaling about one's ideal future self can instill a sense of purpose and influence present actions towards desired outcomes.

Journaling about one's ideal future self can instill a sense of purpose and influence present actions towards desired outcomes.

  • Dr. Laura King's research suggests that visualizing and writing about an ideal future self promotes positive feelings and goal orientation.
  • The practice entails detailing how one's future self would act, think, and feel, aligning current actions with future goals.

Chapter 5

Intention Setting Journaling

3:20 - 44 sec

Setting intentions in writing helps in goal tracking and accountability, leading to higher achievement rates.

Setting intentions in writing helps in goal tracking and accountability, leading to higher achievement rates.

  • Dr. Gail Matthews' study is referenced, highlighting the effectiveness of writing down goals.
  • The practice involves documenting intentions and action steps, allowing for progress tracking and accountability.

Chapter 6

Self-Reflection Journaling

4:05 - 51 sec

Self-reflection journaling fosters self-awareness and emotional regulation, benefiting mental health.

Self-reflection journaling fosters self-awareness and emotional regulation, benefiting mental health.

  • Dr. Karen Bluth's study shows that mindfulness-based self-reflection journaling aids adolescents in managing their mental health.
  • The technique involves writing about personal experiences and emotions to gain a deeper understanding and develop emotional resilience.

Chapter 7

Dream Journaling

4:57 - 1 min, 3 sec

Dream journaling can provide insight into the subconscious, aiding in creativity and emotional expression.

Dream journaling can provide insight into the subconscious, aiding in creativity and emotional expression.

  • Dr. Ruben N. encourages keeping a dream journal to understand subconscious patterns and themes.
  • Recording dreams upon waking can reveal subconscious thoughts and emotions, and foster creative inspiration.

Chapter 8

Conclusion and Engagement

6:00 - 16 sec

The conclusion invites viewers to share their experiences with the discussed journaling techniques and provide feedback.

The conclusion invites viewers to share their experiences with the discussed journaling techniques and provide feedback.

  • The audience is encouraged to comment on their feelings about the presented journaling techniques.
  • Viewers are asked to share their own journaling methods and to engage with the video by liking and sharing.

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