9 Tools From a Hostage Negotiator That Will Get You a Raise | Chris Voss | EP 425

Jordan B Peterson

Jordan B Peterson

96 min, 3 sec

A comprehensive exploration of negotiation, its dynamics, and the importance of truth, listening, and establishing mutual goals.


  • Negotiation is about finding out what the other person wants and being honest about what you want, aiming to establish a mutually desirable long-term relationship.
  • Listening to the other person is crucial to understand their desires and problems, which can lead to a sustainable agreement beneficial for both parties.
  • Deception is discouraged in negotiation as it can undermine credibility and long-term relationships, whereas integrity and truth foster trust and successful outcomes.
  • Proactive listening and communication, such as mirroring and summarizing, are tools that help navigate and resolve conflicts effectively.

Chapter 1

Announcement of Upcoming Tour

0:00 - 42 sec

Jordan Peterson announces his new 2024 tour with special guests beginning in February and running through June, visiting 51 cities in the US.

Jordan Peterson announces his new 2024 tour with special guests beginning in February and running through June, visiting 51 cities in the US.

  • The tour will feature discussions on ideas from Peterson's forthcoming book 'We Who Wrestle with God' set to release in November 2024.
  • Ticketing and additional information are available on jordanbpeterson.com.

Chapter 2

Advice on Job Interviews

0:42 - 46 sec

Strategies for job interviews, focusing on asking questions that align with the strategic future of the organization.

Strategies for job interviews, focusing on asking questions that align with the strategic future of the organization.

  • Asking about involvement in critical projects to the organization's future demonstrates ambition and a desire to contribute meaningfully.
  • This approach changes the dynamic of job interviews, signaling that the candidate is not just competent but also eager to help the team succeed.

Chapter 3

Conversation with Chris Voss

1:28 - 1 min, 16 sec

Jordan Peterson talks with Chris Voss, an author, teacher, and former FBI hostage negotiator, about the intricacies of negotiation.

Jordan Peterson talks with Chris Voss, an author, teacher, and former FBI hostage negotiator, about the intricacies of negotiation.

  • They discuss the psychology of listening and its impact on successful negotiations.
  • Negotiation is framed as a collaborative process aimed at establishing productive, long-term engagements.
  • The conversation delves into the importance of understanding mutual desires and expanding those desires over time.

Chapter 4

The Significance of Negotiation

2:44 - 50 sec

Exploring the significance of negotiation and the common challenges individuals face due to lack of training in this area.

Exploring the significance of negotiation and the common challenges individuals face due to lack of training in this area.

  • Negotiation is a crucial life skill that people are not often trained in, leading to difficulties in knowing what they want and communicating effectively.
  • The conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding one's own value and the value of the negotiation to both parties involved.

Chapter 5

The Approach to Negotiation

3:34 - 41 sec

Discussing the approach to negotiation, including strategies and the mindset required for success.

Discussing the approach to negotiation, including strategies and the mindset required for success.

  • Negotiation should not be based on threats but rather on establishing a vision of mutual advancement and opportunity.
  • The discussion covers how to present oneself in negotiations, ensuring the other party understands the value provided and the potential for a pathway to success.

Chapter 6

The Power of Listening in Negotiation

4:15 - 47 sec

Emphasizing the power of listening in negotiation and the impact it can have on the outcome.

Emphasizing the power of listening in negotiation and the impact it can have on the outcome.

  • Listening allows for a better understanding of the other party's needs and wants, enabling the provision of value and utility in the relationship.
  • The segment highlights the transformative effect of genuinely listening to people and the subsequent positive changes in behavior.

Chapter 7

Negotiation Techniques and Outcomes

5:02 - 1 min, 2 sec

Exploring various negotiation techniques and the importance of arriving at a favorable outcome for both parties.

Exploring various negotiation techniques and the importance of arriving at a favorable outcome for both parties.

  • Questions are used strategically to create thoughts in the other person's mind, leading to a more favorable negotiation environment.
  • The importance of aligning oneself with projects that are critical to an organization's strategic future is discussed as a means to change the outcome of negotiations.

Chapter 8

Negotiation and Human Nature

6:04 - 51 sec

Delving into the relationship between negotiation and human nature, and how understanding this can lead to success.

Delving into the relationship between negotiation and human nature, and how understanding this can lead to success.

  • The conversation touches on the nature of human beings, their reactions, and the consistent impact of addressing negativity.
  • Understanding human nature and emotional intelligence is crucial in negotiation to influence behavior and reach mutually beneficial agreements.

Chapter 9

Executing a Successful Negotiation

6:55 - 27 sec

The execution of a successful negotiation is broken down, highlighting key strategies and the ultimate goal of collaboration.

The execution of a successful negotiation is broken down, highlighting key strategies and the ultimate goal of collaboration.

  • The focus is on the joint pursuit of mutual desires and the ability to expand understanding over time, which fosters growth in a relationship.
  • Negotiation is presented as a journey towards productive and generous collaboration, rather than just a means to an end.

Chapter 10

The Role of Integrity in Negotiation

7:22 - 26 sec

The role of integrity and truth in negotiation is discussed, emphasizing its importance in establishing trust and long-term success.

The role of integrity and truth in negotiation is discussed, emphasizing its importance in establishing trust and long-term success.

  • Integrity is highlighted as a non-negotiable aspect of successful negotiations, with deception seen as a damaging and unsustainable approach.
  • Personal anecdotes and experiences are shared to illustrate the long-term benefits of maintaining integrity in all forms of negotiation.

Chapter 11

Real-World Negotiation: A Hostage Scenario

7:48 - 27 sec

A real-world negotiation scenario is recounted, showcasing the application of negotiation techniques in a high-stakes situation.

A real-world negotiation scenario is recounted, showcasing the application of negotiation techniques in a high-stakes situation.

  • The segment recounts a bank robbery with hostages, where negotiation techniques were used to understand the robbers' motivations and bring about a peaceful resolution.
  • The story demonstrates how proactive listening and strategic questioning can lead to trust and influence even in critical situations like hostage negotiations.

Chapter 12

The Essence of Effective Negotiation

8:15 - 39 sec

The essence of effective negotiation is distilled into core principles and practices that lead to success.

The essence of effective negotiation is distilled into core principles and practices that lead to success.

  • The importance of establishing a relationship, listening, and aiming for mutually desirable outcomes is reiterated as the foundation of effective negotiation.
  • The discussion reinforces the significance of integrity, truth, and the impact of understanding the other party's perspective.

Chapter 13

Closing Thoughts on Negotiation

8:55 - 86 min, 55 sec

Closing thoughts on negotiation are offered, providing a synthesis of the conversation and key takeaways.

Closing thoughts on negotiation are offered, providing a synthesis of the conversation and key takeaways.

  • Negotiation is about more than achieving set goals; it's about exceeding them and being open to better opportunities.
  • The conversation ends with a focus on the importance of integrity and truth in negotiation, and the personal development of effective communication patterns.

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