A threatening phone call
Dr. John Campbell
7 min, 7 sec
The video covers a talk given on December 27th where the speaker discusses good news about a parliamentary motion, concerning actions by the MHRA, and troubling high death rates in the UK.
- The speaker opens with a welcome and moves on to highlight a parliamentary motion set for January 16th regarding excess deaths, encouraging UK viewers to contact their MPs.
- A significant part of the talk focuses on the MHRA's alleged inappropriate communications with the press regarding the coverage of vaccine side effects.
- The speaker expresses concern over high death rates among younger and middle-aged adults in the UK and the lack of adequate public discussion on the issue.
- Details from The Daily Telegraph reveal that the MHRA attempted to influence media reporting, raising issues of transparency and public trust.
- An article from the BMJ is cited, questioning the integrity of drug regulators due to the significant portion of their funding coming from the industry they regulate.
Chapter 1

The speaker begins by welcoming the audience and announcing a parliamentary motion to discuss excess deaths.
- The talk takes place on December 27th, following the Christmas holiday.
- The speaker encourages UK viewers to write to their MPs about attending a debate on January 16th regarding excess deaths.

Chapter 2

The speaker discusses concerning actions by the MHRA to influence media reporting on vaccine side effects.
- The MHRA reportedly sent communications to The Daily Telegraph threatening to ban them from briefings if they did not soften their news coverage.
- A senior MHRA official is said to have made a threatening phone call to the newspaper.
- The speaker criticizes the MHRA for overstepping its role as a regulator by attempting to control the media narrative.

Chapter 3

The speaker raises concerns about the integrity of drug regulators due to industry funding.
- The BMJ article states that a majority of drug regulators' budgets, including the MHRA, come from industry fees.
- 86% of the MHRA's budget is reportedly industry-funded, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest.

Chapter 4

The speaker reflects on the paternalistic attitude of the government and some media outlets towards public information.
- The Daily Telegraph article discusses instances of media censorship and the importance of the public's access to information.
- The speaker agrees with the Telegraph's stance that hiding facts can also cost lives and that the public is capable of making informed decisions.

Chapter 5

The speaker concludes the talk by reiterating the significance of the issues discussed and providing references.
- The speaker is taken aback by the MHRA's attempt to control the narrative and emphasizes the importance of fact-sharing.
- References are provided for the audience to review the British Medical Journal article on drug regulators' funding.

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