A YouTuber Made the Most Insane Animated Movie Ever

Kurtis Conner

Kurtis Conner

30 min, 22 sec

A detailed review and critique of a poorly executed full-length animated film created by a YouTuber known for commentary videos.


  • The reviewer expresses disbelief and inability to understand the movie's logic, highlighting its numerous flaws.
  • A series of narrations and confusing backstories are discussed, pointing out the inconsistencies and lack of clarity in the film's premise.
  • The film's antagonist, Mist, is revealed to be the art teacher, leading to a final confrontation with the protagonist, Paige.
  • The reviewer criticizes the movie's poor production, voice acting, and unrealistic claims of being on par with Disney and DreamWorks.
  • Despite the harsh review, the reviewer humorously suggests an ending line that would have redeemed the film.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Review

0:00 - 1 min, 5 sec

The reviewer prepares to critique a terrible animated movie, highlighting the autonomy and creative freedom enjoyed by YouTubers.

The reviewer prepares to critique a terrible animated movie, highlighting the autonomy and creative freedom enjoyed by YouTubers.

  • The reviewer, feeling daunted, contemplates quitting due to the movie's quality.
  • YouTube is praised for allowing creative freedom and potential financial success.
  • The movie is created by Kobi Productions, known for commentary on animated films.

Chapter 2

Introduction to the Movie and Its Creator

1:05 - 1 min, 56 sec

The movie, 'Our Drawings,' created by Kobi Productions, is introduced with a description and background information.

The movie, 'Our Drawings,' created by Kobi Productions, is introduced with a description and background information.

  • The animated film 'Our Drawings' is introduced as the subject of the review.
  • Kobi Productions, primarily focused on animated film commentary, is the creator of the film.
  • The movie took six years to complete, largely using Blender, and was funded with little external support.

Chapter 3

Film's Story and Inconsistencies

3:01 - 5 min, 32 sec

The narrator points out inconsistencies in the film's story, particularly the protagonist's backstory and abilities.

The narrator points out inconsistencies in the film's story, particularly the protagonist's backstory and abilities.

  • The protagonist's backstory changes several times, causing confusion.
  • The main character's wish and how her drawing powers work are inconsistent.
  • The film's logic regarding the protagonist's drawing abilities is questioned.

Chapter 4

Voice Acting and Character Development

8:33 - 3 min, 20 sec

The reviewer addresses the film's poor voice acting and peculiar character choices.

The reviewer addresses the film's poor voice acting and peculiar character choices.

  • The film features questionable voice acting and dialogue.
  • Characters unexpectedly emerge, adding to the confusion.

Chapter 5

Plot Progression and AI Art Debate

11:53 - 3 min, 48 sec

The film progresses with a plot focused on AI art and introduces a main antagonist with unclear motives.

The film progresses with a plot focused on AI art and introduces a main antagonist with unclear motives.

  • The film introduces an evil wizard and a beatboxing puppy, further complicating the story.
  • A debate on AI art versus human-created art is shoehorned into the narrative.

Chapter 6

Antagonist's Reveal and Final Confrontation

15:42 - 14 min, 0 sec

The film's antagonist is revealed, leading to a final confrontation that attempts to be philosophical.

The film's antagonist is revealed, leading to a final confrontation that attempts to be philosophical.

  • The art teacher character is revealed to be the antagonist, Mist.
  • A lengthy chase scene leads to a final confrontation and debate about the value of art.

Chapter 7

Conclusion and Reviewer's Final Thoughts

29:42 - 41 sec

The reviewer concludes with a scathing critique of the film and expresses pity for the children who might watch it.

The reviewer concludes with a scathing critique of the film and expresses pity for the children who might watch it.

  • The movie's ending is criticized for lacking a satisfactory conclusion.
  • The reviewer suggests a potential comedic ending line that could have improved the film.
  • Final critique focuses on the unrealistic claim of the film's creator and the potential negative impact on children.