Actually Just Got Sadder



16 min, 20 sec

The video discusses the increasingly alarming situation of Brandon, who has spent a significant amount of money on Ruby Rose's OnlyFans and has developed a dangerous obsession with her.


  • Brandon, who spent $62,000 on Ruby Rose's OnlyFans, has become dangerously obsessed with her, potentially necessitating her to get security.
  • Ruby Rose shared text messages and a video displaying Brandon's obsession, including a tattoo of her face he got on his body.
  • The texts are a one-sided barrage from Brandon expressing an unhealthy obsession and belief in a non-existent relationship with Ruby Rose.
  • Brandon's behavior exemplifies the dangers of parasocial relationships, where fans feel entitled to a personal connection with creators they support financially.
  • It's suggested that Brandon's obsession is compounded by a porn addiction and that both he and Ruby Rose might need professional help and security due to the severity of his obsession.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Brandon's Situation

0:00 - 23 sec

The video begins by introducing the concerning situation of Brandon's obsession with Ruby Rose.

The video begins by introducing the concerning situation of Brandon's obsession with Ruby Rose.

  • The video host expresses shock at the severity of Brandon's obsession with Ruby Rose.
  • Brandon has met Ruby Rose in person, which he likely orchestrated, showcasing his determination to interact with her.
  • The host anticipates that Ruby Rose might need to consider hiring a strong security team due to Brandon's behaviors.

Chapter 2

Ruby Rose's Response to Brandon

0:23 - 1 min, 11 sec

Ruby Rose reacts to Brandon's obsession by sharing their one-sided text conversation and his tattoo of her.

Ruby Rose reacts to Brandon's obsession by sharing their one-sided text conversation and his tattoo of her.

  • Ruby Rose posts a video of text messages from Brandon, showcasing his obsession, though she does not engage with him.
  • She reveals a tattoo Brandon got of her face on his body.
  • Brandon is saved in Ruby Rose's phone as 'Brandon weird OnlyFans fan,' highlighting her discomfort with his actions.

Chapter 3

The Unhealthy Nature of Parasocial Relationships

1:34 - 45 sec

The host discusses the dangers of parasocial relationships and Brandon's misconception of his 'relationship' with Ruby Rose.

The host discusses the dangers of parasocial relationships and Brandon's misconception of his 'relationship' with Ruby Rose.

  • The host points out the lesson in Brandon being known as the 'weird OnlyFans guy' despite his financial contributions.
  • The situation reflects the broader issue of fans feeling entitled to a personal relationship with content creators due to their financial support.
  • Brandon's texts reveal his belief that he can purchase a relationship and his inability to grasp that this isn't a reality.

Chapter 4

A Deep Dive into Brandon's Text Messages

2:19 - 45 sec

The video examines the content of Brandon's text messages to Ruby Rose, highlighting his delusional state.

The video examines the content of Brandon's text messages to Ruby Rose, highlighting his delusional state.

  • Brandon's texts to Ruby Rose span over 48 hours, showing his rapid descent into obsessive behavior.
  • He starts with casual inquiries, which quickly turn into expressions of love, investment, and frustration when not reciprocated.
  • The host comments on the alarming nature of Brandon's messages and the potential danger they represent.

Chapter 5

Brandon's Delusional Declarations

3:04 - 58 sec

Brandon's texts escalate to grandiose and delusional declarations of love and commitment to Ruby Rose.

Brandon's texts escalate to grandiose and delusional declarations of love and commitment to Ruby Rose.

  • Brandon's messages escalate to intense proclamations of love, including marriage, a family, and unconditional support.
  • The host criticizes the unhealthy nature of Brandon's obsession, calling it delusional and potentially dangerous.
  • Brandon's text messages are likened to the script of a romance anime, which the host finds cringeworthy.

Chapter 6

Brandon's Unfolding Obsession

4:02 - 1 min, 2 sec

The video continues to unfold the depths of Brandon's obsession, exploring his past and the intensity of his messages.

The video continues to unfold the depths of Brandon's obsession, exploring his past and the intensity of his messages.

  • Brandon is revealed to have a history as a porn addict, which may be contributing to his obsession with Ruby Rose.
  • The host emphasizes the seriousness of the situation, noting the rapid and extreme mood swings in Brandon's messages.
  • Brandon's messages are portrayed as a mix of apologies, pleas for attention, and further expressions of his unhealthy attachment.

Chapter 7

The Reality of Brandon's Obsession

5:04 - 1 min, 13 sec

The host reflects on the possibility of the situation being real or staged and the implications of either scenario.

The host reflects on the possibility of the situation being real or staged and the implications of either scenario.

  • The possibility of the situation being fake is considered, though the host finds it unlikely due to the severity of the obsession.
  • The host speculates on the potential outcomes if the situation were staged for marketing purposes, but finds this implausible.
  • The video concludes with the host expressing concern for Ruby Rose's safety and the need for Brandon to seek professional help.

Chapter 8

Brandon's Tattoo and Financial Bribes

6:18 - 1 min, 40 sec

Brandon's actions escalate as he gets a tattoo of Ruby Rose and attempts to bribe her for any form of acknowledgment.

Brandon's actions escalate as he gets a tattoo of Ruby Rose and attempts to bribe her for any form of acknowledgment.

  • Brandon sends Ruby Rose pictures of him getting a tattoo of her face, which appears to be authentic.
  • He offers Ruby Rose large sums of money, including Bitcoin, just for her to respond to his messages.
  • The host criticizes Brandon's behavior as pathetic and indicative of his obsession.

Chapter 9

Conclusion and Reflections on Brandon's Mental State

7:58 - 8 min, 20 sec

The host provides a final overview of Brandon's mental state and the implications for both him and Ruby Rose.

The host provides a final overview of Brandon's mental state and the implications for both him and Ruby Rose.

  • Brandon's behavior is identified as symptomatic of a serious mental health issue that requires professional intervention.
  • The host reiterates the potential danger that Ruby Rose faces due to Brandon's actions.
  • The video concludes with a call for Ruby Rose to maintain distance and for Brandon to get the help he needs.

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