Adam Savage Fixes a Squeaking Bed!

The video details the process of repairing a squeaky bed frame by welding the hardware.


  • The creator recounts a dinner with friend Tracy, who has a problem with a squeaky bed frame caused by loose hardware.
  • An explanation of bed construction is provided, emphasizing how beds use weight for stability and comparing it to the design of massage tables.
  • The bed's hardware is described in detail, highlighting how industrial automation stamps out metal parts and why they may eventually squeak.
  • A solution is proposed by welding the hardware to prevent future squeaking, involving grinding slots in the metal and welding into them.
  • The repair process is shown, including grinding, welding, and straightening the hardware, ending with the hope that Tracy will send a picture of the installed fix.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Bed Squeaking Issue

0:08 - 59 sec

The creator introduces the problem of a squeaky bed frame that belongs to his friend Tracy.

  • Tracy's squeaky bed problem is localized to the hardware, and new hardware has been ordered.
  • The creator decides to help fix the squeaking issue, suspecting that it might recur with the new hardware.

Chapter 2

Understanding Bed Design and Stability

1:09 - 2 min, 38 sec

The video explains the engineering structure of beds and how they use weight to achieve stability.

The video explains the engineering structure of beds and how they use weight to achieve stability.

  • Beds are designed to use the weight of the person to secure the structure, similar to massage tables used by traveling masseuses.
  • The stability of the bed is enhanced by gravity, which pushes the components of the bed together.

Chapter 3

Dissecting Bed Hardware and Squeaking

3:51 - 4 min, 35 sec

The creator examines the bed's metal hardware, discussing its manufacturing process and the cause of squeaking.

  • The metal tabs of the bed are stamped out by industrial machines and attached to the base plate by pressure joints.
  • Over time, these pressure joints can loosen, which is why the bed starts to squeak.

Chapter 4

Planning the Welding Repair

8:48 - 5 min, 37 sec

A strategy for welding the bed's hardware is outlined to create a more permanent fix.

A strategy for welding the bed's hardware is outlined to create a more permanent fix.

  • The creator decides not to weld directly across the tabs but instead to grind slots and weld into them for a more reliable hold.
  • The process will involve grinding out slots in the metal, welding into the slots, and ensuring the hardware remains straight.

Chapter 5

Executing the Welding Process

14:27 - 1 min, 6 sec

The welding process is executed, including grinding the metal and welding the slots.

  • All the necessary pieces are prepared and taken to the welder.
  • A mistake with the gas supply is corrected, and the welding is completed despite the results not being aesthetically perfect.

Summarizing chapters