After ten years, it's time to stop making videos.
Tom Scott
8 min, 11 sec
The video reflects on ten years of content creation, celebrates milestones, and announces a break from the weekly format.
- The creator has been publishing videos since 1999, with consistent weekly videos for the past ten years.
- The series began with simple videos and evolved into higher quality content covering a range of topics.
- Despite never missing a week, the creator feels the need to take a break due to the growing complexity and exhaustion.
- Future content will be less frequent and may include experimental projects, with ongoing work on other platforms.
- The video ends with a thank you to viewers and a promise of a sentimental montage.
Chapter 1

The creator sets the context for the video, indicating it's not a typical burnout apology and that a journey is ahead.
- The video begins by clarifying it's not a standard YouTuber apology or a permanent departure announcement.
- The creator has been posting content online since 1999 with varying degrees of success.
- Initial videos were simple and low-effort, but they set the stage for the current success.

Chapter 2

The creator discusses the evolution of the channel and the commitment to a weekly posting schedule over ten years.
- The first video was published ten years ago to the minute of the current video's release.
- Initially, videos were published almost daily, then settled into a weekly routine covering various topics.
- The creator never missed a week, occasionally using guest videos and filler content to maintain the streak.

Chapter 3

The creator reflects on the growth of the channel, increasing standards, and the personal goal of reaching ten years.
- Over the years, the channel grew, the creator's standards increased, and the decision was made to aim for a ten-year goal.
- The creator felt a round number like ten years was a significant milestone to strive for.

Chapter 4

The creator acknowledges the need for a break due to the demanding nature of the dream job and the risk of burnout.
- The job's growing complexity and the creator's exhaustion lead to the decision to take a break.
- Close encounters with burnout were managed by knowing when to step back.

Chapter 5

The creator faces a crossroad between scaling up the business or choosing happiness and less work.
- The creator talks to successful peers and realizes there are two paths: scaling up or doing less to be happier.
- Scaling up would mean becoming a manager, which is not appealing to the creator.

Chapter 6

The creator announces an indefinite break from the weekly format and teases future projects.
- The creator announces a break, with no set return date, and future content will not be weekly.
- Other ongoing projects like a podcast, newsletter, and the Plus channel are mentioned as continuing.
- New, experimental, and potentially failing projects are anticipated.

Chapter 7

The creator expresses gratitude to viewers, hints at a possible return, and sets the stage for a final montage.
- The creator thanks viewers and mentions the possibility of future video ideas being considered.
- Acknowledges the need for a life outside of work and the desire to spend time with loved ones.
- Concludes with the intent to create a sentimental montage to mark the end of the ten-year period.

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