Alex Jones Got ALL THESE Predictions Right!

The Jimmy Dore Show

The Jimmy Dore Show

14 min, 10 sec

The video segment involves a discussion about Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones, Alex Jones' predictions, and the broader implications of those predictions.


  • The segment starts with a mention of Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones and his reinstatement on Twitter.
  • The conversation shifts to Alex Jones' accurate predictions regarding events like 9/11 and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  • The speakers analyze the reasons behind Jones' predictive success and discuss the broader context of information dissemination and censorship.
  • There is a critique of mainstream media and a comparison of their predictive abilities to those of Alex Jones.
  • The conversation also touches on the role of government agencies, like the CIA, and the possible manipulation and discrediting of individuals like Alex Jones.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Segment and Mention of Twitter

0:01 - 25 sec

The segment begins with a reference to Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones and a joke about Twitter's name change.

The segment begins with a reference to Tucker Carlson's interview with Alex Jones and a joke about Twitter's name change.

  • The hosts mention Tucker Carlson interviewing Alex Jones.
  • They refer to Twitter as 'Twitter's' and joke about deadnaming it.
  • The hosts suggest reinstating Alex Jones on Twitter.

Chapter 2

Alex Jones' Accurate Predictions

0:26 - 3 min, 32 sec

Discussion focuses on various accurate predictions made by Alex Jones, including 9/11 and Russia's actions in Ukraine.

Discussion focuses on various accurate predictions made by Alex Jones, including 9/11 and Russia's actions in Ukraine.

  • The hosts showcase a clip of Alex Jones predicting the 9/11 attacks, mentioning Bin Laden and the CIA.
  • Jones' prediction of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is highlighted.
  • The hosts express astonishment at the accuracy of Jones' predictions.

Chapter 3

Analysis of Predictive Success and Censorship

3:58 - 4 min, 0 sec

The speakers analyze why Alex Jones might have been successful in his predictions and discuss the culture of censorship and information control.

The speakers analyze why Alex Jones might have been successful in his predictions and discuss the culture of censorship and information control.

  • Discussion about how conventional wisdom and certain circles predicted events like 9/11 beforehand.
  • There is commentary on the lack of imaginative thinking within government agencies like the CIA and FBI.
  • The hosts reflect on how Hollywood screenwriters were brought in post-9/11 to war game scenarios due to a lack of creative thinking within the government.

Chapter 4

Critique of Mainstream Media and Power Structures

7:58 - 2 min, 43 sec

The discussion critiques the mainstream media's lack of predictive ability and examines the power structures that result in silencing dissent.

The discussion critiques the mainstream media's lack of predictive ability and examines the power structures that result in silencing dissent.

  • The hosts compare Alex Jones' predictions to the failure of mainstream media like Fox, CNN, and MSNBC.
  • They discuss the power structures that lead to the silencing of individuals like Jones.
  • There is a surprise expressed about Jones' prediction of 9/11 and his accurate portrayal of the event.

Chapter 5

Discussion on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Social Impact

10:41 - 3 min, 27 sec

The conversation explores various conspiracy theories around 9/11 and the social impact of discussing such topics.

The conversation explores various conspiracy theories around 9/11 and the social impact of discussing such topics.

  • The hosts discuss the different theories about 9/11, including controlled demolition and government foreknowledge.
  • They ponder the timeline of events leading up to the Iraq War and question the official narrative.
  • The conversation includes reflections on how discussing 9/11 conspiracies was taboo and career-ending.

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