Am I a High Carb Vegan?

Mic the Vegan

Mic the Vegan

13 min, 13 sec

Mike explores the benefits and challenges associated with high carb vegan diets, addresses criticisms of certain plant-based advocates, and reflects on recent vegan 'quitters'.


  • Mike discusses the pros and cons of high carb vegan diets, including their role in preventing diseases and potential pitfalls.
  • He defends certain high carb advocates like Neal Barnard, while also highlighting the importance of not being overly restrictive.
  • Mike emphasizes the need for balance, the importance of nuts in moderation, and the risks of extremely low fat consumption.
  • He shares personal dietary preferences, stressing whole foods over macro-nutrient ratios, and reflects on the vegan movement's growth despite individuals leaving the lifestyle.

Chapter 1

Intro to High Carb Vegan Diets

0:00 - 22 sec

Mike introduces the topic of high carb vegan diets and his stance on fat consumption.

Mike introduces the topic of high carb vegan diets and his stance on fat consumption.

  • Mike questions if he's a high carb vegan and addresses concerns about fat consumption in vegan diets.
  • He introduces the plan to discuss pros and cons, focusing on nuts, saturated fat, and vegan diet trends.

Chapter 2

Benefits of High Carb Vegan Diets

0:22 - 1 min, 6 sec

Mike lists the positive aspects of high carb vegan diets.

Mike lists the positive aspects of high carb vegan diets.

  • High carb vegans consume very low saturated fat, helping to prevent heart disease.
  • Such diets have been clinically shown to reverse heart disease and diabetes.
  • Historical consumption patterns and scientific evidence support the healthfulness of high carb vegan diets.

Chapter 3

Potential Issues with High Carb Vegan Diets

1:27 - 2 min, 29 sec

Mike delves into the downsides of high carb vegan diets.

Mike delves into the downsides of high carb vegan diets.

  • High carb diets can lead to overconsumption of calories and carbohydrates, potentially causing oxidative stress and fat gain.
  • Some high carb diets overemphasize sugar consumption, which is not a health food.
  • There can be a neglect of vegetable intake due to an overemphasis on carbs and calories.

Chapter 4

The Role of Nuts in Vegan Diets

3:56 - 2 min, 46 sec

Mike explores the controversy surrounding nut consumption in vegan diets.

Mike explores the controversy surrounding nut consumption in vegan diets.

  • He discusses Dr. Esselstyn's views on nuts for heart disease patients versus those without heart disease.
  • Evidence from studies suggests nuts can lower the risk of various diseases and improve heart health.
  • Mike argues against completely eliminating nuts from diets unless required for specific health conditions.

Chapter 5

Defending Neal Barnard and Addressing Criticisms

6:42 - 1 min, 12 sec

Mike addresses recent criticism aimed at Neal Barnard and discusses constructive critique.

Mike addresses recent criticism aimed at Neal Barnard and discusses constructive critique.

  • Neal Barnard is praised for his contributions to diabetes research and vegan advocacy.
  • Mike encourages maintaining an open mind and not dismissing vegan public figures over differences in opinion.

Chapter 6

Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Vegan Diets

7:55 - 1 min, 9 sec

Mike talks about the importance of omega-6 fatty acids in vegan diets.

Mike talks about the importance of omega-6 fatty acids in vegan diets.

  • While many aim to minimize omega-6 intake, these are essential fatty acids required in minimum amounts.
  • Mike warns against the potential risks of not meeting the minimum requirements for omega-6 consumption.

Chapter 7

Personal Dietary Choices and Saturated Fat

9:04 - 1 min, 10 sec

Mike shares his personal approach to vegan dieting and managing saturated fat.

Mike shares his personal approach to vegan dieting and managing saturated fat.

  • He identifies as a whole food vegan with a focus on low saturated fat intake.
  • Mike admits to enjoying high-fat foods like cashew cheese in moderation and emphasizes whole starches in his diet.

Chapter 8

Reflections on Vegan Diet Adherence

10:14 - 2 min, 50 sec

Mike reflects on why some vegans quit and the overall growth of the vegan movement.

Mike reflects on why some vegans quit and the overall growth of the vegan movement.

  • Some vegans may leave the lifestyle due to experimenting with extreme diets and failing to address underlying health issues.
  • He emphasizes that the vegan movement continues to grow globally despite individual departures.

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