Are Vegan Cholesterol Levels Too Low?

Mic the Vegan

Mic the Vegan

13 min, 0 sec

The video discusses whether vegan diets result in dangerously low cholesterol levels and their potential impact on health.


  • The video addresses concerns that low cholesterol in vegans could increase the risk of other diseases or affect hormones.
  • Mic, the host, refers to a claim by ex-vegan YouTuber Bonnie Rebecca that her low cholesterol as a vegan was dangerous based on her doctor's advice.
  • The video examines studies indicating that low LDL cholesterol levels are beneficial and not associated with increased cancer risk.
  • Mic discusses the importance of not blindly trusting doctors' advice without considering evidence and argues against the view that low cholesterol levels are concerning.
  • The potential relationship between cholesterol levels and hormones, as well as vegan diets and cancer risk, is explored.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Vegan Cholesterol Concerns

0:00 - 16 sec

Mic introduces the topic of whether vegan diets may lead to dangerously low cholesterol levels.

Mic introduces the topic of whether vegan diets may lead to dangerously low cholesterol levels.

  • Mic hints at the topic about vegan diets possibly resulting in cholesterol levels that are too low.
  • He mentions his promise to discuss this topic from his past blood test video.

Chapter 2

Bonnie Rebecca's Cholesterol Claims

0:15 - 35 sec

Mic discusses Bonnie Rebecca's claim that her vegan diet led to dangerously low cholesterol levels.

Mic discusses Bonnie Rebecca's claim that her vegan diet led to dangerously low cholesterol levels.

  • Mic references Bonnie Rebecca, an ex-vegan YouTuber, who claimed her vegan diet caused her cholesterol to be too low, based on her doctor's advice.
  • Bonnie believed this low cholesterol level put her at risk of other health issues.

Chapter 3

Mic's Blood Test and LDL Cholesterol Levels

0:50 - 41 sec

Mic shares his LDL cholesterol levels and discusses what is considered low.

Mic shares his LDL cholesterol levels and discusses what is considered low.

  • Mic's LDL or 'bad cholesterol' levels were at 50 mg/dL, compared to the American average of 120 mg/dL.
  • The Mayo Clinic considers LDL cholesterol levels below 40 mg/dL as low, and Mic's levels are close to this threshold.

Chapter 4

Cholesterol Levels and Heart Disease Risk

1:31 - 1 min, 13 sec

Mic explores the relationship between LDL cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.

Mic explores the relationship between LDL cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.

  • A study suggests that an LDL level of 75 or lower prevents plaque progression in arteries.
  • Data indicates that an LDL range of 50 to 60 may be optimal for heart health.

Chapter 5

Cholesterol Levels in Newborns

2:44 - 38 sec

Mic discusses the naturally low LDL cholesterol levels found in newborns.

Mic discusses the naturally low LDL cholesterol levels found in newborns.

  • Newborns typically have very low LDL cholesterol levels, ranging from 22 to 70 mg/dL.
  • There is an association between high maternal cholesterol and faster plaque buildup in newborns.

Chapter 6

Misinterpretation of Cholesterol and Cancer Risk

3:23 - 1 min, 56 sec

Mic addresses the misconception that low cholesterol levels cause cancer.

Mic addresses the misconception that low cholesterol levels cause cancer.

  • Older studies suggested an association between low cholesterol and higher cancer rates, but this was due to reverse causation.
  • People with genetically low cholesterol levels do not have higher cancer rates.

Chapter 7

Cholesterol and Hormone Production

5:18 - 2 min, 38 sec

Mic examines concerns about low cholesterol affecting hormone production.

Mic examines concerns about low cholesterol affecting hormone production.

  • Cholesterol is important for producing hormones, raising concerns about the effects of very low LDL levels.
  • Studies on pharmaceuticals lowering LDL show no adverse effects on hormone levels, even at very low cholesterol levels.

Chapter 8

Bonnie Rebecca's Health Concerns and Doctor's Advice

7:57 - 1 min, 14 sec

Mic responds to Bonnie's health concerns and her reliance on her doctor's advice.

Mic responds to Bonnie's health concerns and her reliance on her doctor's advice.

  • Mic suggests that Bonnie might be over-trusting her doctor's advice without considering the best available evidence.
  • He encourages viewers to think critically and not blindly believe in health recommendations.

Chapter 9

Bonnie Rebecca's Lifestyle and Ethical Choices

9:11 - 1 min, 39 sec

Mic critiques Bonnie's lifestyle and ethical choices after renouncing veganism.

Mic critiques Bonnie's lifestyle and ethical choices after renouncing veganism.

  • Bonnie purchased a wool rug, raising questions about her commitment to cruelty-free choices.
  • Mic discusses the psychological aspects of switching from a non-exploitative vegan lifestyle to purchasing animal products.

Chapter 10

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

10:50 - 2 min, 0 sec

Mic concludes the video with final thoughts on cholesterol and vegan diets.

Mic concludes the video with final thoughts on cholesterol and vegan diets.

  • Mic concludes that the evidence does not support concerns about low cholesterol in vegans being dangerous.
  • He reiterates that vegan diets are associated with lower risks of heart disease and cancer.

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