Bailando el Bugui Bugui - Las Canciones del Zoo 2 | El Reino Infantil
El Reino Infantil
2 min, 11 sec
A song detailing the dance moves for the 'Bugui Bugui' dance.
- The song starts with instrumental music followed by a woman's singing voice.
- Lyrics include instructions for the dance moves involving hands, legs, head, and the whole body moving in and out.
- The refrain 'bailando el Bugui Bugui' and 'todo será mejor' repeats throughout the song.
- The song ends with more instrumental music and a preview of other songs.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The singer begins the song with the chorus and instructions for the hand movements.
- The woman sings the chorus, 'Bailando el Bugui Bugui', which translates to 'Dancing the Boogie Boogie'.
- Instructions are given to put one hand in, one hand out, shake them, and dance the Bugui Bugui followed by a half turn.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5