Biggest Gaming Discoveries of 2023



36 min, 12 sec

A comprehensive recap of Did You Know Gaming's 2023 findings on game development trivia, focusing on 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask', cancelled Pokemon games, and scrapped Sonic projects.


  • Unearthed the origins of the Adult Mask and Fierce Deity in 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask', debunking theories and clarifying development choices.
  • Revealed the impact of crunch on 'Majora's Mask', sharing developers' reflections and NPC dialogue mirroring real developer sentiments.
  • Discussed Yoshiaki Koizumi's storytelling clashes with Miyamoto and how it shaped 'Link's Awakening' and 'Majora's Mask'.
  • Divulged information on cancelled Pokemon games, including 'Pokemon Pinball DS' and 'Pokemon 2000 Adventure', with insights from developers and restored lost media.
  • Explored scrapped Sonic games, setting the record straight on 'Sister Sonic' and detailing the untold story of 'Sonic Chronicles 2'.

Chapter 1

Introduction to 2023's Game Discoveries

0:00 - 34 sec

An introduction to the major video game discoveries made by Did You Know Gaming in 2023.

An introduction to the major video game discoveries made by Did You Know Gaming in 2023.

  • 2023 was a year of new discoveries from developer conversations, translating interviews, and working with data miners and archivists.
  • Uncovered information on lost and forgotten games, including three unknown projects from Retro Studios.
  • The video is meant to condense trivia findings into a more concise format.

Chapter 2

Majora's Mask Development Insights

0:34 - 1 min, 59 sec

New insights into the development of 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask' and the decisions that shaped the game.

New insights into the development of 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask' and the decisions that shaped the game.

  • Revealed the intended inclusion of an Adult Mask and why it was ultimately cut from the game.
  • Shared the origin story of the Fierce Deity Mask and its connection to a scrapped overpowering mask.
  • Discussed the developers' decision to limit mask usability and the impact of tight deadlines on the game's development.
  • Highlighted the importance of Japanese magazine interviews in uncovering these secrets.

Chapter 3

Majora's Mask Hidden Features and Developer Struggles

2:32 - 1 min, 40 sec

Revelations about hidden features in 'Majora's Mask' and the developers' struggles during its creation.

Revelations about hidden features in 'Majora's Mask' and the developers' struggles during its creation.

  • Disclosed that the night sky in Majora's Mask is influenced by the player's save file name, impacting star constellations.
  • Shared developers' quotes on the stressful crunch they experienced and how it affected their lives and work.

Chapter 4

Storytelling Conflicts in The Legend of Zelda

4:12 - 1 min, 39 sec

The storytelling approach of Yoshiaki Koizumi in 'The Legend of Zelda' series and his creative differences with Miyamoto.

The storytelling approach of Yoshiaki Koizumi in 'The Legend of Zelda' series and his creative differences with Miyamoto.

  • Highlighted Koizumi's influence on the unique storytelling in 'Link's Awakening' and his desire to break away from Miyamoto's style.
  • Explained how Koizumi's vision and ideas for a non-Zelda game were incorporated into 'Majora's Mask'.

Chapter 5

Influence of Takaya Imamura on Majora's Mask

5:50 - 1 min, 34 sec

The significant contributions of Takaya Imamura to the development of 'Majora's Mask'.

The significant contributions of Takaya Imamura to the development of 'Majora's Mask'.

  • Described Imamura's reluctant but pivotal role in shaping the art and design of 'Majora's Mask'.
  • Discussed the late addition of the moon's face and how it became an iconic element of the game.

Chapter 6

Cancelled Pokemon Games and Lost Discoveries

7:25 - 8 min, 1 sec

Details on cancelled Pokemon titles and lost game restorations.

Details on cancelled Pokemon titles and lost game restorations.

  • Covered every known cancelled Pokemon game and shared new details on lost games and failed pitches.
  • Featured the story behind the unreleased 'Pokemon Pinball DS' and the restoration of 'Pokemon 2000 Adventure'.

Chapter 7

Scrapped Retro Studios Projects and Portal-Inspired Prototype

15:26 - 11 min, 10 sec

A look into several scrapped projects from Retro Studios and a Portal-inspired prototype called Adept.

A look into several scrapped projects from Retro Studios and a Portal-inspired prototype called Adept.

  • Unearthed the existence of a Portal-like prototype by Retro Studios and the reasons behind its rejection.
  • Discussed other cancelled prototypes, including a physics-based puzzler for the DS.

Chapter 8

The Untold Story of Sister Sonic and Sonic Chronicles Sequel

26:36 - 9 min, 27 sec

The factual narrative behind the cancelled 'Sister Sonic' project and the intended sequel to 'Sonic Chronicles'.

The factual narrative behind the cancelled 'Sister Sonic' project and the intended sequel to 'Sonic Chronicles'.

  • Set the record straight on the 'Sister Sonic' rumors and provided the true story behind its cancellation.
  • Shared never-before-told details on the planned storyline for 'Sonic Chronicles 2' and why it was never produced.