"Blank Canvas" / "One World" | Sarah Elizabeth Charles | TED



9 min, 45 sec

The video features a musical performance with interspersed reflections on themes of honesty, prosperity, power, truth, and human connection.


  • The performance includes songs with lyrics that touch on the complexities of human emotions and the pursuit of truth.
  • The artists share the meaning behind their music, emphasizing the importance of starting anew and envisioning a better future.
  • The song 'One World' serves as a tribute to our common humanity, reminding listeners of the fundamental elements of being human.
  • The artists thank the audience for their warm reception and introduce their songs, sharing their titles and inspirations.

Chapter 1

Opening Music and Poetic Lyrics

0:05 - 56 sec

The video opens with music and a series of poetic lyrics about times of simplicity, honesty, prosperity, deceit, and the act of listening and feeling.

The video opens with music and a series of poetic lyrics about times of simplicity, honesty, prosperity, deceit, and the act of listening and feeling.

  • The lyrics evoke a sense of reflection on past experiences and the feelings associated with them.
  • Themes of strain, deceit, and the resultant emotional release are introduced through the lyrics.
  • The segment sets a contemplative mood for the audience.

Chapter 2

Reflection on Power and Truth

1:04 - 42 sec

The song continues with lyrics that contemplate the consequences of abusing power and the value of truth.

The song continues with lyrics that contemplate the consequences of abusing power and the value of truth.

  • The lyrics suggest that power can be gained at the expense of others, but true power lies in truth.
  • The song reinforces the idea of learning to protect the vulnerable and seeking love.

Chapter 3

Musical Interlude

1:48 - 1 min, 10 sec

An instrumental interlude provides a moment of reflection, with music that conveys openness and the search for meaningful connections.

An instrumental interlude provides a moment of reflection, with music that conveys openness and the search for meaningful connections.

  • The music paints a picture of a sky that is open and blue, symbolizing opportunity and growth.
  • There is a recurring theme of finding someone who is meant for the listener, suggesting a personal connection.

Chapter 4

Introduction to the Band and Album

3:39 - 31 sec

The artists take a moment to thank the audience and introduce their most recent album, 'Blank Canvas', and the philosophy behind it.

The artists take a moment to thank the audience and introduce their most recent album, 'Blank Canvas', and the philosophy behind it.

  • They express gratitude for the opportunity to perform and for the audience's warm reception.
  • The song 'Blank Canvas' is explained as an inspiration to start anew and not be hindered by past practices.

Chapter 5

Performance of 'One World'

4:17 - 14 sec

The band performs 'One World', a song celebrating our shared humanity and the essential aspects of being human.

The band performs 'One World', a song celebrating our shared humanity and the essential aspects of being human.

  • The song serves as a reminder of what people have in common, despite differences.
  • It emphasizes unity and the fundamental elements that connect all humans.

Chapter 6

Musical Expression of Unity and Life

5:16 - 40 sec

The performance continues with music and lyrics that honor our common existence in one world, highlighting love and the miracle of new life.

The performance continues with music and lyrics that honor our common existence in one world, highlighting love and the miracle of new life.

  • Lyrics focus on the shared experience of living in one world, where everyone breathes, loves, and grows together.
  • The song emphasizes the beauty of life and the interconnectedness of all living things.

Chapter 7

Contemplation on Time, Growth, and Survival

6:12 - 33 sec

The lyrics delve into the cyclical nature of life, the process of growth, and the existential aspect of survival.

The lyrics delve into the cyclical nature of life, the process of growth, and the existential aspect of survival.

  • The notion of time as a fundamental force in life is explored.
  • The song reflects on the human experience of growth and the challenges of survival.

Chapter 8

Concluding Reflections on Life

7:32 - 2 min, 7 sec

The video concludes with a heartfelt performance that reflects on striving to live a fulfilling life and finding release.

The video concludes with a heartfelt performance that reflects on striving to live a fulfilling life and finding release.

  • The lyrics touch on the effort to live life to the fullest and the importance of emotional release.
  • The music and singing create a powerful close to the performance.

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