bye, from Dream.



4 min, 29 sec

The video discusses the consequences of unmasking a previously anonymous individual and the process of creating a new mask.


  • An individual expresses regret over unmasking, citing loss of relevance and views, and contemplates deleting past content.
  • A professional discusses the challenging yet rewarding experience of designing and engineering a new mask for Dream.
  • The mask's creation involved 3D head scans, digital mapping, 3D printing with laser fuse nylon powder, hand painting, and precise engineering for fit and balance.
  • The individual with the mask faces pressure to keep it on at all times to preserve their renewed popularity and anonymity.

Chapter 1

Regrets of Unmasking

0:23 - 20 sec

The speaker regrets revealing their face and considers erasing their online presence to regain anonymity.

The speaker regrets revealing their face and considers erasing their online presence to regain anonymity.

  • The individual laments their decision to unmask, feeling it has led to a decline in popularity and financial stability.
  • There's a sense of irreversible change since the face reveal cannot be taken back, and the person considers deleting their online content.

Chapter 2

The Challenge of Creating Dream's New Mask

1:44 - 56 sec

The process of designing Dream's new mask is detailed, highlighting the technical and aesthetic considerations.

The process of designing Dream's new mask is detailed, highlighting the technical and aesthetic considerations.

  • A professional describes the task of creating the mask as potentially the best or worst job of their career, likening it to past projects like Spider-Man and Batman.
  • The mask required 3D head scans of Dream, complex design and engineering, and meticulous attention to detail for the perfect fit and balance.

Chapter 3

Pressure to Maintain Anonymity

3:07 - 1 min, 0 sec

The unmasked individual faces pressure to keep the new mask on at all times to maintain popularity and anonymity.

The unmasked individual faces pressure to keep the new mask on at all times to maintain popularity and anonymity.

  • There is a strong insistence on wearing the mask at all times, even in private scenarios such as eating at McDonald's.
  • The mask is seen as a means to regain lost views and popularity, and there is a belief that any exposure of the face could negate these efforts.

Chapter 4

Departure for McDonald's

3:56 - 23 sec

Despite the pressure to keep the mask on, the individual expresses a desire to go to McDonald's.

Despite the pressure to keep the mask on, the individual expresses a desire to go to McDonald's.

  • The individual with the mask expresses hunger and a desire to visit McDonald's, indicating a conflict between personal needs and the demands of anonymity.

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The Truth



Dream confronts various allegations, provides detailed evidence to refute claims, and expresses the impact on his personal and professional life.

hi, I'm Dream.

hi, I'm Dream.



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