Do You have Anxiety, ADHD or BOTH?



7 min, 21 sec

The video explores the signs and experiences of Anxiety, ADHD, and their co-occurrence, using Liza Koshy's story as an example.


  • It discusses the high likelihood of comorbidity between ADHD and anxiety, citing a 50% chance from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
  • The video details six signs that may indicate the presence of anxiety, ADHD, or both, such as difficulty focusing, living in the future, health neglect, impulsivity, social withdrawal, and inescapability of symptoms.
  • It emphasizes the importance of seeking a mental health professional for accurate diagnosis and mentions coping strategies and resources available.
  • Liza Koshy's experience with anxiety and ADHD is shared to illustrate the challenges and the importance of addressing mental health.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Anxiety and ADHD

0:00 - 51 sec

The video introduces the topic of anxiety and ADHD, the audience's interest in the subject, and the connection between the two disorders.

The video introduces the topic of anxiety and ADHD, the audience's interest in the subject, and the connection between the two disorders.

  • The video responds to audience interest regarding the difference between anxiety and ADHD and the possibility of having both.
  • It references the Anxiety and Depression Association of America's statistic on the comorbidity of ADHD and anxiety.
  • The introduction mentions Liza Koshy's experience with anxiety and encourages viewers to learn more about these conditions.

Chapter 2

Identifying Signs of Anxiety and ADHD

0:54 - 5 min, 24 sec

The video describes six signs to help viewers identify if they might have anxiety, ADHD, or both, with explanations for each sign.

The video describes six signs to help viewers identify if they might have anxiety, ADHD, or both, with explanations for each sign.

  • The video explains how difficulty focusing can be a sign of ADHD due to hypersensitivity to the environment, while anxiety may lead to seeking distractions.
  • It discusses how thoughts about the future versus the present can indicate anxiety or ADHD.
  • Health neglect is mentioned as a potential result of impulsivity from ADHD or as a symptom of anxiety.
  • Symptoms like hyperactivity and impulsivity are outlined as signs of ADHD, which may occur with or without anxiety.
  • The video describes how social withdrawal can be a response to anxiety or a result of ADHD-related emotional regulation issues.
  • The inability to escape symptoms is highlighted as a sign of possible anxiety disorders or ADHD.

Chapter 3

Conclusion and Mental Health Resources

6:18 - 1 min, 2 sec

The video concludes by emphasizing the importance of professional diagnosis and the availability of resources and coping strategies.

The video concludes by emphasizing the importance of professional diagnosis and the availability of resources and coping strategies.

  • The video stresses the need for a trusted mental health professional to avoid misdiagnosis due to similarities between anxiety and ADHD.
  • Coping strategies and resources are mentioned as helpful tools for managing these conditions.
  • The conclusion reiterates Liza Koshy's message on the importance of mental health care and assures viewers that they are not alone.

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