Docker networking is CRAZY!! (you NEED to learn it)



39 min, 12 sec

A detailed explanation of Docker networking, including various network types and their features.


  • The video provides an in-depth look at Docker networking, explaining seven different network types available in Docker.
  • The host's enthusiastic approach reflects the significance and interesting aspects of Docker's networking capabilities.
  • The video covers practical demonstrations of setting up and utilizing different Docker networks, including their benefits and drawbacks.
  • Network types discussed include the bridge, host, Macvlan, IPvlan, overlay, and none, with emphasis on their use cases and configuration.
  • The video also touches on Docker swarm's overlay networks and the security aspect of the none network.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Docker Networking

0:00 - 59 sec

The video begins with an enthusiastic introduction to the magic of Docker containers and networking.

The video begins with an enthusiastic introduction to the magic of Docker containers and networking.

  • The host expresses excitement about the capabilities of Docker networking.
  • Docker containers are described as fast and lightweight, contributing to their widespread use.
  • The host poses questions about how networking works with Docker containers, such as network isolation and exposure.

Chapter 2

Sponsor Message and Lab Setup

0:58 - 1 min, 20 sec

A brief sponsor message is followed by instructions for setting up a lab to experiment with Docker networking.

A brief sponsor message is followed by instructions for setting up a lab to experiment with Docker networking.

  • The video is sponsored by Bitdefender, which offers security solutions.
  • The host guides viewers on setting up a lab environment with a Linux virtual machine to learn Docker networking hands-on.
  • Ubuntu Desktop and VirtualBox are used for the demonstration, and viewers are encouraged to follow along.

Chapter 3

Default Bridge Network

2:19 - 6 min, 17 sec

The default bridge network in Docker is explored, showing its automatic behavior and how to inspect it.

The default bridge network in Docker is explored, showing its automatic behavior and how to inspect it.

  • The default bridge network is the primary network that containers use when they are deployed without specific networking settings.
  • The host demonstrates how Docker automatically creates virtual ethernet interfaces and assigns IP addresses to containers.
  • Inspecting the default bridge network reveals the containers, their virtual ethernet interfaces, and their IP addresses.

Chapter 4

User-Defined Bridge Networks

8:36 - 4 min, 40 sec

The video covers the creation of user-defined bridges which provide better isolation between containers.

The video covers the creation of user-defined bridges which provide better isolation between containers.

  • Docker recommends using user-defined bridges for better network isolation and container-to-container DNS resolution.
  • The host creates a new user-defined bridge network named Asgard and deploys containers into it, demonstrating network isolation.
  • Containers within the same user-defined bridge can communicate with each other using container names instead of IP addresses.

Chapter 5

Host Network

13:16 - 4 min, 6 sec

The host network is explained, illustrating how containers can share the host's network stack.

The host network is explained, illustrating how containers can share the host's network stack.

  • When a container is deployed to the host network, it acts like a regular application on the host, sharing the same IP address and ports.
  • This network type is useful for applications that should not be isolated, such as VPN containers.
  • No port exposure is necessary, as the container has direct access to the host's network stack.

Chapter 6

Macvlan Network

17:22 - 12 min, 49 sec

The Macvlan network type is introduced, enabling containers to appear as physical devices on the network.

The Macvlan network type is introduced, enabling containers to appear as physical devices on the network.

  • Macvlan networks allow Docker containers to connect directly to a physical network, each with its own MAC address and IP address.
  • The host encounters an issue with the network due to the requirement for promiscuous mode on the physical interface.
  • After enabling promiscuous mode in both the host and VirtualBox settings, the containers can access the network and the internet.

Chapter 7

IPvlan Network

30:10 - 7 min, 43 sec

IPvlan L2 and L3 modes are explained, with a focus on how L3 mode works similarly to Macvlan without the MAC address issues.

IPvlan L2 and L3 modes are explained, with a focus on how L3 mode works similarly to Macvlan without the MAC address issues.

  • IPvlan L2 mode functions similarly to Macvlan but allows containers to share the host's MAC address.
  • IPvlan L3 mode operates at the network layer, with the host acting as a router for the containers.
  • L3 mode requires routing configuration to allow containers to communicate with the network and each other.

Chapter 8

Overlay and None Networks

37:53 - 1 min, 17 sec

Overlay networks for Docker swarm and the highly secure 'none' network are briefly discussed.

Overlay networks for Docker swarm and the highly secure 'none' network are briefly discussed.

  • Overlay networks are used with Docker swarm to manage multi-host container communication, which is not covered in detail.
  • The 'none' network provides complete network isolation for containers, assigning only a loopback interface without any access to external networks.

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