Does Grounding Work? In-Depth Look at Research and Voltage Test

Mic the Vegan

Mic the Vegan

22 min, 19 sec

The video explores grounding, examining its health claims, scientific evidence, and potential benefits or lack thereof.


  • The concept of grounding involves connecting oneself electrically to the earth, with claims ranging from health improvements to COVID-19 prevention.
  • The video host, Mike, investigates grounding with a multimeter and reviews scientific literature, including studies largely funded by grounding product industries.
  • Though some studies suggest benefits like improved sleep and wound healing, they often lack control groups, are small in scale, and are funded by interested parties.
  • Physical evidence and electrical measurements suggest the effect of grounding on the body's electron flow is minimal and unlikely to produce claimed health benefits.
  • Grounding is not widely accepted in mainstream science, and there is a need for high-quality, independent studies to either validate or debunk its efficacy.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Grounding

0:00 - 1 min, 43 sec

Mike introduces the topic of grounding, also known as earthing, and sets the stage for exploring its claims and science.

Mike introduces the topic of grounding, also known as earthing, and sets the stage for exploring its claims and science.

  • Grounding involves connecting oneself electrically to the earth, similar to the grounding plug in electrical outlets.
  • Claims about grounding include health benefits such as changing blood markers, acting as an antioxidant, and accelerating wound healing.
  • The video host plans to measure electrical currents with a multimeter while using a grounding mat.

Chapter 2

Grounding Claims and Industry Funding

1:43 - 2 min, 37 sec

Mike discusses the grounding industry, its influence on research, and the main sales pitch of grounding.

Mike discusses the grounding industry, its influence on research, and the main sales pitch of grounding.

  • The grounding industry funds much of the research in this field, which influences the claims being made.
  • The sales pitch for grounding is that historically, humans were in direct contact with the earth, promoting health through the earth's electrical charge.
  • Rubber-soled shoes and modern lifestyle are thought to disconnect people from the earth's beneficial electrical rhythms.

Chapter 3

Scientific Theories Behind Grounding

4:20 - 2 min, 3 sec

Explores the scientific theories related to grounding, including the concept of the earth as an antioxidant source.

Explores the scientific theories related to grounding, including the concept of the earth as an antioxidant source.

  • The earth is thought to provide electrons that can neutralize free radicals in the body, acting as antioxidants.
  • The concept is that the earth's negative charge and electrons could potentially improve health by reducing oxidative stress.
  • There is no conclusive research directly measuring antioxidant status before and after grounding.

Chapter 4

Electrical Properties and Body Resistance

6:23 - 2 min, 5 sec

Mike discusses the body's resistance to electron flow and the challenges of grounding having a significant effect.

Mike discusses the body's resistance to electron flow and the challenges of grounding having a significant effect.

  • The skin has high resistance, which may impede a meaningful amount of electrons from entering the body to affect internal systems.
  • Topical antioxidant creams, despite having free electrons, do not treat internal organ issues, suggesting that grounding might not either.
  • There's no strong indication that a small voltage drop from grounding affects health, based on how the body resists electron flow.

Chapter 5

Industry-Funded Research and Anecdotal Evidence

8:28 - 2 min, 10 sec

Reviews the research funded by the grounding industry and the anecdotal evidence provided for health benefits.

Reviews the research funded by the grounding industry and the anecdotal evidence provided for health benefits.

  • Researchers paid by the grounding product industry have conducted much of the research on grounding, with papers promoting a range of health benefits.
  • Anecdotal evidence suggests improvements in oxygen levels, mild illness prevention, and accelerated wound healing.
  • There is a lack of high-quality, independent research to support many of the claims made by grounding advocates.

Chapter 6

Grounding and COVID-19

10:38 - 24 sec

Mike addresses claims about grounding as a preventative measure for COVID-19 and critiques the low quality of evidence.

  • Claims have been made that grounding can prevent or lessen the severity of COVID-19, based on an unpublished, non-peer-reviewed case report from Iraq.
  • This report lacks control groups, statistical analysis, and other scientific rigor, making it potentially dangerous if people rely on grounding instead of proven measures.

Chapter 7

Electrical Measurements and Grounding

9:02 - 2 min, 55 sec

Mike uses a voltmeter to measure the electrical currents when grounded and ungrounded, finding minimal differences.

Mike uses a voltmeter to measure the electrical currents when grounded and ungrounded, finding minimal differences.

  • Using a voltmeter, Mike measures a slight voltage drop when touching a grounding mat compared to not touching it.
  • Voltage drops are also observed when outside and directly grounded to the earth, but the flow of electrons is still minimal.
  • The measurements suggest that grounding has little impact on the body's electron flow.

Chapter 8

Review of Grounding Research

11:58 - 10 min, 22 sec

A critical look at the main studies on grounding, highlighting their limitations and potential placebo effects.

A critical look at the main studies on grounding, highlighting their limitations and potential placebo effects.

  • Studies on sleep, blood viscosity, and wound healing show some positive results but lack control groups and have small sample sizes.
  • Randomized control trials funded by the grounding industry show potential flaws and could be influenced by placebo effects.
  • The scientific evidence supporting grounding is not robust, and more rigorous, independent research is needed.

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