Dollar Stores: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)



21 min, 54 sec

The video discusses the practices of dollar stores such as Dollar General and Dollar Tree, focusing on their business strategies, working conditions, treatment of employees, and the effects on communities where they operate.


  • Dollar stores target low-income customers and often position themselves in economically marginalized communities.
  • The companies make substantial profits, largely by minimizing labor costs and operating with minimal staff.
  • Working conditions at these stores have been described as the worst retail job in America, with problems ranging from poor maintenance, lack of climate control, understaffing, and even rodent infestations.
  • There have been numerous violations and fines proposed by OSHA for these stores, demonstrating a lack of concern for the safety and well-being of their employees.
  • Dollar stores have also been accused of misleading customers with their pricing, offering products at seemingly low prices but often providing less quantity or lower quality.
  • The companies have been resistant to unionization efforts by their employees, often resorting to union-busting tactics.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Dollar Stores

0:04 - 1 min, 22 sec

The segment introduces the concept of dollar stores like Dollar General and Dollar Tree, their target customers, and their business model.

The segment introduces the concept of dollar stores like Dollar General and Dollar Tree, their target customers, and their business model.

  • Dollar stores position themselves as an affordable and convenient shopping option.
  • They target low-income customers and are often located in economically marginalized communities.
  • These businesses make large profits, with Dollar General making 2.4 billion in profit and Dollar Tree making 1.6 billion last year.

Chapter 2

Working Conditions in Dollar Stores

1:26 - 5 min, 27 sec

This segment discusses the poor working conditions in dollar stores, including understaffing, low wages, and lack of proper maintenance.

This segment discusses the poor working conditions in dollar stores, including understaffing, low wages, and lack of proper maintenance.

  • Dollar stores operate with minimal staff, often only one or two employees per store, which leads to overwhelming workloads.
  • The median compensated employee for Dollar General makes around $18,000 a year, with 92% of Dollar General's staff making less than $15 an hour.
  • The stores often lack proper maintenance and can be disorganized and cluttered, creating a difficult working environment.

Chapter 3

Safety Concerns and Violations in Dollar Stores

6:53 - 5 min, 9 sec

The segment highlights the safety concerns and violations in dollar stores, including OSHA violations, rodent infestations, and incidents of violence.

The segment highlights the safety concerns and violations in dollar stores, including OSHA violations, rodent infestations, and incidents of violence.

  • OSHA has identified numerous safety violations in Dollar General and Dollar Tree, leading to millions in proposed fines.
  • There have been reports of rodent infestations in dollar stores, with one Family Dollar distribution center found to have more than a thousand rodents.
  • Dollar stores have become targets for crime and violence, with employees reporting incidents of robbery, assault, and even death.

Chapter 4

Employee Protests and Calls for Better Conditions

12:02 - 4 min, 46 sec

The segment discusses the actions taken by dollar store employees to protest their working conditions and advocate for better treatment.

The segment discusses the actions taken by dollar store employees to protest their working conditions and advocate for better treatment.

  • Employees have staged walkouts and public protests, with signs stating 'I quit' and 'Dollar General doesn't pay a living wage'
  • Workers have also attempted to unionize, but the companies have violated federal law by firing pro-union workers and illegally surveilling and interrogating employees.
  • Workers and unions have called for safe staffing levels, safe store infrastructure, and adequate recovery time after violent incidents.

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Call to Action

16:48 - 5 min, 4 sec

The concluding segment calls for more attention to be paid to the issues raised by dollar store workers and the need for the companies to be more transparent about their practices.

The concluding segment calls for more attention to be paid to the issues raised by dollar store workers and the need for the companies to be more transparent about their practices.

  • Communities have blocked proposals to build new dollar stores, but many of the existing stores are unlikely to close as they are often the only retailer in the area.
  • There is a need for the companies to address the concerns raised by their employees and implement the changes they are asking for.
  • Until such changes are made, the companies should at least be more transparent about the retail and workplace experience they provide.

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