Don't Mess With My Mom When She's Hungry: Thats Me Flying In The Image

A detailed narrative of a former model's secretive binge eating disorder, its impact on her family, and the eventual resolution.


  • The story begins with the narrator discovering their mother, a former model, binge eating in secret due to a traumatic experience.
  • The mother's binge eating escalates, affecting her health, career, and the narrator's social life.
  • A deceptive boyfriend exploits the mother's eating disorder for profit until the narrator and their partner uncover his scheme.
  • The mother confronts her issues and the boyfriend's deceit, leading to a healthier lifestyle and legal consequences for the boyfriend.
  • The narrator finds personal happiness and a proposal from their supportive partner, Josh.

Chapter 1

A Shocking Discovery at Home

0:00 - 18 sec

The narrator suspects an intruder but finds their mother binge eating in secret.

The narrator suspects an intruder but finds their mother binge eating in secret.

  • The narrator hears noises in the kitchen, grabs a bat, and discovers their mother covered in cheeto dust.
  • This incident reveals a pattern of secretive eating by the narrator's mother.

Chapter 2

The Underlying Causes Revealed

0:18 - 8 sec

The mother's history as a model and the events leading to her binge eating are explained.

The mother's history as a model and the events leading to her binge eating are explained.

  • The mother's past as a bathing suit model and strict diet are described.
  • A fateful jog uncovers the mother's husband's infidelity, triggering the start of her binge eating disorder.

Chapter 3

The Aftermath of Betrayal

0:26 - 10 sec

The mother's response to her husband's betrayal and its immediate impact.

The mother's response to her husband's betrayal and its immediate impact.

  • The mother reacts to her husband's infidelity by eating ice cream and spending excessively on food.
  • The narrator feels the strain on their social life as their mother pretends they're out of food when friends visit.

Chapter 4

The Impact of Binge Eating on Social Life

0:36 - 10 sec

The mother's binge eating disorder begins to seriously affect the narrator's personal life.

The mother's binge eating disorder begins to seriously affect the narrator's personal life.

  • The mother's binge eating leads to an embarrassing moment with friends and the creation of a schoolwide joke.
  • The narrator stops inviting people over and begins to feel unhealthy due to the junk food diet.

Chapter 5

The Mother's Personal Struggle and Health Concerns

0:46 - 10 sec

The narrator confronts their mother about her health and the mother's acknowledgment of her problem.

The narrator confronts their mother about her health and the mother's acknowledgment of her problem.

  • The narrator worries about their mother's health and job security due to her binge eating.
  • A momentary improvement with healthy food is quickly undone by a late-night kitchen raid.

Chapter 6

The Return to Unhealthy Habits

0:56 - 10 sec

The mother's attempts at recovery are thwarted by further incidents of binge eating.

The mother's attempts at recovery are thwarted by further incidents of binge eating.

  • The narrator notes their mother's worsening binge eating despite efforts to lock away snacks.
  • A movie outing with the narrator's crush is ruined by the mother's compulsive eating.

Chapter 7

Felix: A New Hope

1:06 - 10 sec

The mother meets Felix who becomes a positive influence in her struggle against binge eating.

The mother meets Felix who becomes a positive influence in her struggle against binge eating.

  • The mother meets Felix, who helps her with her eating disorder and keeps junk food out of the house.
  • Despite initial improvements, the mother relapses, causing tension and embarrassment for the narrator.

Chapter 8

The Social Fallout

1:16 - 12 sec

A slumber party gone wrong leads to further social isolation for the narrator.

A slumber party gone wrong leads to further social isolation for the narrator.

  • The mother's lack of control ruins a slumber party, leading to ridicule from the narrator's peers and social withdrawal.
  • The mother's job loss and health decline prompt the narrator to consider moving out.

Chapter 9

The Anniversary Dinner Debacle

1:28 - 12 sec

The mother consumes food meant for a special anniversary dinner, leading to the narrator's decision to move out.

The mother consumes food meant for a special anniversary dinner, leading to the narrator's decision to move out.

  • The mother eats expensive food intended for the narrator's anniversary dinner with their boyfriend, Josh.
  • The narrator decides to move out, seeking a break from the responsibility of managing their mother's disorder.

Chapter 10

A Horrifying Discovery Online

1:40 - 10 sec

The narrator discovers a series of humiliating videos of their mother online.

The narrator discovers a series of humiliating videos of their mother online.

  • Josh shows the narrator a YouTube video of their mother binge eating, which has gone viral.
  • The narrator realizes someone has been exploiting their mother's disorder for views and profit.

Chapter 11

Uncovering Felix's Deception

1:50 - 10 sec

The narrator and Josh uncover evidence of Felix's betrayal and exploitation of the mother.

The narrator and Josh uncover evidence of Felix's betrayal and exploitation of the mother.

  • Suspecting Felix as the culprit, the narrator and Josh break into his house to find evidence on his laptop.
  • They obtain the laptop and discover videos of other women being exploited in the same way.

Chapter 12

Confronting a Serial Exploiter

2:00 - 9 sec

Felix's pattern of exploiting women with eating disorders is revealed.

Felix's pattern of exploiting women with eating disorders is revealed.

  • Investigation leads to the discovery of multiple victims, including a woman in a coma due to her eating disorder.
  • Sam, the son of one of Felix's victims, confirms the pattern of exploitation.

Chapter 13

A Turn of Events

2:09 - 9 sec

The mother learns of Felix's betrayal and takes control of the situation.

The mother learns of Felix's betrayal and takes control of the situation.

  • The narrator returns home to find the mother confronting Felix, having tied him to a chair.
  • The mother mistakenly believes the narrator knew of Felix's infidelity.

Chapter 14

Justice and Recovery

2:18 - 9 sec

Legal actions are taken against Felix and the mother begins to recover.

Legal actions are taken against Felix and the mother begins to recover.

  • Evidence from Felix's laptop provides proof for legal action and a lawsuit.
  • The mother overcomes her food obsession and improves her lifestyle.

Chapter 15

New Beginnings

2:27 - 15 min, 10 sec

The narrator finds happiness with Josh and the mother maintains a healthier life.

The narrator finds happiness with Josh and the mother maintains a healthier life.

  • The mother does not return to modeling but eats healthier and starts a new chapter.
  • Josh proposes to the narrator, cementing their relationship and future together.