Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer 3

The video features a character, Paul, experiencing a nightmare and discussing fragments of it, which alludes to his family's long-standing conflict with the Harkonnens.


  • Paul wakes from a nightmare and struggles to recall its details, suggesting a disturbing vision.
  • There is a dialogue about equality and the collective benefit, hinting at a meritocratic or communal society.
  • References to possible futures and a 'narrow way through' suggest precognition or strategic planning against enemies.
  • Expressions of loyalty and love indicate strong personal bonds and the importance of remaining true to oneself.
  • The ultimate power and a prophecy are mentioned, implying a significant and possibly dangerous destiny for Paul.

Chapter 1

Nightmare and Fragmented Memories

0:01 - 21 sec

Paul experiences a nightmare and struggles to remember it clearly, indicating it might be a recurring issue or a vision.

Paul experiences a nightmare and struggles to remember it clearly, indicating it might be a recurring issue or a vision.

  • Paul gasps and is calmed by someone reassuring their presence.
  • He mentions it's been a while since he's had one of those nightmares.
  • When asked to recall the nightmare, Paul can only remember fragments.

Chapter 2

Conflict and Equality

0:25 - 18 sec

The discussion moves towards the longstanding conflict with the Harkonnens and notions of equality within a group.

The discussion moves towards the longstanding conflict with the Harkonnens and notions of equality within a group.

  • A voice mentions fighting the Harkonnens for decades and centuries.
  • The concept of equality is stressed, despite noble bloodlines, suggesting a setting where actions outweigh heritage.

Chapter 3

Visions of the Future and Potential Allies

1:16 - 48 sec

Paul discusses his visions of the future and potential alliances, hinting at his precognitive abilities and strategic planning.

Paul discusses his visions of the future and potential alliances, hinting at his precognitive abilities and strategic planning.

  • Paul speaks of seeing multiple possible futures and a narrow path to victory.
  • Expressions of affection and loyalty are exchanged, indicating strong personal relationships.

Chapter 4

Ultimate Power and Prophecy

1:47 - 34 sec

The narrative touches on themes of ultimate power and the enslavement through prophecy, adding a layer of mysticism and destiny to Paul's journey.

The narrative touches on themes of ultimate power and the enslavement through prophecy, adding a layer of mysticism and destiny to Paul's journey.

  • The dialogue turns to a form of power the world hasn't seen and the ultimate power.
  • A warning is given to consider actions carefully, and a prophecy is mentioned as a tool of enslavement.

Chapter 5

Uncertain Readiness and Foreboding

2:27 - 3 sec

The closing lines convey a sense of foreboding and suggest that Paul may be unprepared for the events that lie ahead.

The closing lines convey a sense of foreboding and suggest that Paul may be unprepared for the events that lie ahead.

  • A voice, possibly Chani's, tells Paul he is not prepared for what is to come.
  • The statement carries a weight of impending challenges and possibly dangerous outcomes.