El VIRREINATO DE NUEVA ESPAÑA: ascenso y caída del Imperio español

Lifeder Educación

Lifeder Educación

26 min, 44 sec

A comprehensive overview of the Viceroyalty of New Spain from its origins to its dissolution, including its political, social, and economic structure.


  • The Viceroyalty of New Spain was established after the fall of the Aztec Empire and lasted from 1535 to 1821.
  • It was under the control of the Spanish Empire, and its territories included parts of North and Central America, the Philippines, and other islands in Asia and Oceania.
  • The Viceroyalty's governance was hierarchical with the King of Spain at the top, delegating power locally to Viceroys and other officials.
  • Society was divided into castes based on ethnicity, with peninsulares at the top, and the economy was centered on mining and agriculture.

Chapter 1

Origins and Establishment of the Viceroyalty of New Spain

0:00 - 1 min, 28 sec

The Viceroyalty of New Spain was established post the conquest of the Aztec Empire and comprised vast territories including the Philippines.

The Viceroyalty of New Spain was established post the conquest of the Aztec Empire and comprised vast territories including the Philippines.

  • The concept of 'New Spain' was proposed by Hernán Cortés to the Spanish king after the fall of Tenochtitlan.
  • The Viceroyalty officially began in 1535 and was governed by the King of Spain through the figure of a Viceroy.
  • It included territories in North America, Central America, Asia, and Oceania.

Chapter 2

Initial Administrative Bodies and the First Viceroy

1:38 - 3 min, 56 sec

The initial administration of New Spain was handled by the Council of the Indies and the Audiencia, leading to the appointment of the first Viceroy.

The initial administration of New Spain was handled by the Council of the Indies and the Audiencia, leading to the appointment of the first Viceroy.

  • The Council of the Indies and the Audiencia were established to administer the new territories.
  • Antonio de Mendoza was appointed the first Viceroy, with responsibilities for political organization and defense.
  • During his tenure, the first printing press arrived and educational centers were established.

Chapter 3

Spiritual Conquest and Religious Disputes

5:40 - 59 sec

The spiritual conquest aimed to convert indigenous people to Catholicism, with disagreements between religious orders on the approach.

The spiritual conquest aimed to convert indigenous people to Catholicism, with disagreements between religious orders on the approach.

  • The Franciscans, Dominicans, and Augustinians led the spiritual conquest, with varying methods of conversion.
  • Some religious figures advocated for forceful conversion, while others preferred preaching and education.
  • Disagreements extended to the civil sphere, causing clashes between defenders of indigenous people and colonial authorities.

Chapter 4

Governance and Expansion in the 16th Century

6:58 - 56 sec

The Viceroyalty saw administrative reforms, expansion, and the creation of educational institutions in the 16th century.

The Viceroyalty saw administrative reforms, expansion, and the creation of educational institutions in the 16th century.

  • Viceroy Luís de Velasco implemented the New Laws to protect indigenous people and promoted culture, including the creation of the University of Mexico.
  • The Viceroyalty expanded to include the Philippine Islands, leading to a trade boom.
  • Martín Enríquez defended the territory from English invasion and allowed Creoles to hold public office.

Chapter 5

Peace and Expansion in the 17th Century

8:00 - 46 sec

The 17th century in the Viceroyalty was marked by peace, expansion, and administrative reforms.

The 17th century in the Viceroyalty was marked by peace, expansion, and administrative reforms.

  • The Viceroyalty maintained peace, with exceptions like the indigenous rebellion of Gaspar Yanga in 1609.
  • Viceroys Velasco, Jr., and Zúñiga promoted expeditions to annex new territories like Monterrey.
  • Juan Palafox, as Viceroy and Archbishop, introduced reforms to tackle corruption.

Chapter 6

Dynastic Changes and Cultural Advancements in the 18th Century

8:55 - 45 sec

The 18th century brought a dynastic change in Spain and cultural developments in the Viceroyalty.

The 18th century brought a dynastic change in Spain and cultural developments in the Viceroyalty.

  • The House of Bourbon took the Spanish throne, leading to a renewed focus on education in New Spain.
  • New educational institutions like the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Mining College were established.
  • The first newspapers began publication, contributing to the cultural landscape.

Chapter 7

Carlos III's Influence and Bourbon Reforms

9:43 - 1 min, 24 sec

King Carlos III's reign brought territorial gains and administrative reforms to the Viceroyalty.

King Carlos III's reign brought territorial gains and administrative reforms to the Viceroyalty.

  • Carlos III acquired Spanish Louisiana and Florida and sent advisors to implement administrative reforms.
  • The Bourbon Reforms changed the territorial administration, reducing the power of the Viceroy and dividing the Viceroyalty into intendancies.
  • Despite opposition, the reforms persisted but the role of intendants never fully replaced the authority of the Viceroy.

Chapter 8

Rebellions and the End of the Viceroyalty

11:15 - 1 min, 26 sec

Rebellions and external events led to the dissolution of the Viceroyalty of New Spain.

Rebellions and external events led to the dissolution of the Viceroyalty of New Spain.

  • The first significant rebellions against Spanish rule began in the late 18th century.
  • The French invasion of Spain and subsequent events, combined with social inequality and mismanagement, led to the Viceroyalty's end.
  • Independence movements culminated in the establishment of Mexico as an empire and later a republic.

Chapter 9

Territorial Extent and Social Structure

12:41 - 2 min, 19 sec

The Viceroyalty's vast territories were matched by a complex and stratified social structure based on race.

The Viceroyalty's vast territories were matched by a complex and stratified social structure based on race.

  • New Spain's territories included modern-day Mexico, parts of the United States, Central America, and islands in the Caribbean, Asia, and Oceania.
  • Society was racially stratified, with peninsulares at the top and a mix of Europeans, indigenous people, and African slaves forming a mestizo society.
  • The Viceroyalty was divided into kingdoms, captain generalships, and lordships, with the Viceroy as the highest local authority.

Chapter 10

Economic Practices and Policies

15:09 - 11 min, 16 sec

The economy of New Spain was extractive, focusing on mining and agriculture, with trade controlled by the Spanish Crown.

The economy of New Spain was extractive, focusing on mining and agriculture, with trade controlled by the Spanish Crown.

  • Mining of gold and silver was the main industry, and the Crown benefited through the Quinto Real tax.
  • Encomiendas granted to conquerors allowed them to exploit indigenous labor in exchange for protection and education.
  • Trade was heavily regulated to benefit the Crown, leading to the rise of smuggling and monopolies.

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