Episodio #1494 Una Causa Oculta De Cancer



9 min, 15 sec

A detailed look into the hidden causes of cancer related to metabolism and the nervous system, with a focus on dental infections.


  • Frank Suárez, a metabolism and obesity specialist, shares his insights on an often-overlooked cause of cancer.
  • Explains the role of the nervous system in cancer development and the critical importance of oxygen levels in the body.
  • Highlights the correlation between dental health, specifically infections under crowns, and cancer in various organs.
  • Discusses how biological dentistry can identify and treat hidden infections, potentially halting cancer progression.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Cancer's Hidden Causes

0:00 - 1 min, 31 sec

Frank Suárez introduces the topic of hidden causes of cancer related to metabolism and health.

Frank Suárez introduces the topic of hidden causes of cancer related to metabolism and health.

  • Frank Suárez discusses his discovery on hidden causes of cancer through his research on metabolism.
  • Emphasizes the alarming cancer statistics and the urgency to understand its underlying causes.

Chapter 2

The Nervous System's Role in Cancer

1:31 - 2 min, 12 sec

Explains the impact of the nervous system on the body's metabolism and its link to cancer development.

Explains the impact of the nervous system on the body's metabolism and its link to cancer development.

  • Highlights how a well-functioning nervous system prevents cancer by controlling the body's metabolism.
  • Describes the sympathetic nervous system's effect on blood circulation and oxygen levels, influencing cancer formation.

Chapter 3

Dental Health and Cancer Correlation

3:43 - 2 min, 37 sec

Discusses how dental health, especially hidden infections under dental crowns, can be a cause of cancer.

Discusses how dental health, especially hidden infections under dental crowns, can be a cause of cancer.

  • Introduces the concept that each tooth is linked to specific organs and can influence their health.
  • Suggests that dental infections can disrupt the nervous system and contribute to cancer in corresponding organs.

Chapter 4

Biological Dentistry's Approach to Cancer

6:20 - 2 min, 46 sec

Explores how biological dentistry can identify dental causes of cancer and potentially stop its progression.

Explores how biological dentistry can identify dental causes of cancer and potentially stop its progression.

  • Describes the methodical approach biological dentists take to uncover and treat hidden dental infections.
  • Shares anecdotal evidence that resolving these dental issues can halt the advance of cancer.