Everyone Was Wrong About Avocados - Including Us



9 min, 23 sec

The video debunks the popular myth that avocados owe their existence to giant ground sloths and discusses the actual evidence surrounding avocado domestication.


  • The myth that avocados were spread by giant ground sloths is widespread but unsupported by scientific evidence.
  • Studies of sloth diets show no evidence of avocado consumption, and the animals lived in different regions.
  • Human domestication and selective breeding in Mesoamerica likely led to the increase in avocado pit size.
  • The video discusses the importance of accuracy and acknowledges the correction of previous misinformation.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Avocado Myth

0:00 - 1 min, 6 sec

The myth of avocados' existence thanks to giant ground sloths is introduced and questioned.

The myth of avocados' existence thanks to giant ground sloths is introduced and questioned.

  • Avocados are thought to have been spread by giant ground sloths, a prehistoric creature.
  • This idea has been popularized by various media, including SciShow in the past.

Chapter 2

Origins of the Sloth-Avocado Dispersal Theory

1:08 - 54 sec

The sloth-avocado dispersal theory originated from scientific papers in the 1980s without concrete evidence.

The sloth-avocado dispersal theory originated from scientific papers in the 1980s without concrete evidence.

  • The theory began in the 1980s with papers suggesting big animals as seed dispersers but had no direct data on sloths or avocados.
  • The idea became popular despite the lack of evidence.

Chapter 3

Lack of Evidence for Sloths Eating Avocados

2:10 - 49 sec

There is no scientific evidence to support the hypothesis that sloths ate avocados.

There is no scientific evidence to support the hypothesis that sloths ate avocados.

  • No studies have found evidence of sloths eating avocados.
  • For proof, scientists would need to find fossils or coprolites indicating that sloths and avocados coexisted and interacted.

Chapter 4

Investigating Sloth Diets and Habits

3:01 - 2 min, 17 sec

Research on sloth diets and habitats indicates no relationship with avocados.

Research on sloth diets and habitats indicates no relationship with avocados.

  • Fossil records show sloths lived in South America, while avocados originated in Mexico.
  • Studies of sloth diets reveal consumption of grasses, shrubs, yucca, and agave, not avocados.

Chapter 5

Human Domestication of Avocados

5:29 - 2 min, 19 sec

Human cultivation and selective breeding in Mesoamerica likely led to the current form of avocados.

Human cultivation and selective breeding in Mesoamerica likely led to the current form of avocados.

  • Avocado pits were originally smaller, suggesting no need for giant animal dispersal.
  • Mesoamericans may have selected avocados with bigger pits for agricultural reasons.
  • Cultivation techniques and genetic diversity suggest a complex domestication process.

Chapter 6

Acknowledging and Correcting Misinformation

8:20 - 50 sec

SciShow acknowledges past inaccuracies and emphasizes the importance of evidence-based information.

SciShow acknowledges past inaccuracies and emphasizes the importance of evidence-based information.

  • Previous SciShow content on the avocado myth has been unlisted due to reliance on weak sources.
  • The channel is committed to spreading scientifically supported ideas.

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