

9 min, 17 sec

The video details the process of giving away $50,000 to people affected by COVID-19 through a Direct Action project sponsored by NordVPN. The money is given directly to individuals, without the involvement of a charity, and the recipients' stories are shared.


  • The video host collaborates with NordVPN to give away $50,000 directly to people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The host, along with his friend Mike, selected recipients through social media outreach, asking if anyone had been laid off or was experiencing financial difficulties.
  • They delivered care packages to some recipients, which served as an excuse to also provide the cash gift.
  • Not all recipients wanted to be filmed or share their stories, so some were simply sent the money.
  • Some recipients shared their stories, including a man with ALS whose wife's pay was cut due to the pandemic, and a woman who lost her job and was struggling to support her family.
  • The host mentions a group of volunteers in the Bay Area running the 1K Project, which gives $1,000 a month to families in need, and decides to give the last $30,000 of the funds to this initiative.
  • The video concludes with a message about the importance of being kind to others, as everyone is dealing with their own challenges.
  • NordVPN, upon reviewing the video, agreed to give another $20,000 for the host to distribute, bringing the total donation to $70,000.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the Direct Action Project

0:06 - 35 sec

The video host explains the direct action project, which involves giving away $50,000 sponsored by NordVPN directly to individuals who need it.

The video host explains the direct action project, which involves giving away $50,000 sponsored by NordVPN directly to individuals who need it.

  • The host secured $50,000 from his sponsor, NordVPN, for the Direct Action project.
  • Direct Action involves giving money directly to individuals, bypassing charities that may take a percentage for overhead costs.
  • The host and his friend Mike reached out to people via social media, asking if they had been laid off or were facing financial hardship, and promising them a 'care package'.

Chapter 2

First Recipient's Story

0:41 - 2 min, 25 sec

The first recipient of the Direct Action project is a man suffering from ALS whose wife's pay was cut due to COVID-19.

The first recipient of the Direct Action project is a man suffering from ALS whose wife's pay was cut due to COVID-19.

  • The man, an ex-EMT, has ALS and relies on his wife as his primary caregiver.
  • Because of the pandemic, his wife's pay has been cut in half, adding to their financial difficulties.
  • The host gives them a care package and $1,000 in cash.

Chapter 3

Second Recipient's Story

3:06 - 2 min, 24 sec

The second recipient is a woman living in an 800 square foot apartment with her mother who is dependent on her.

The second recipient is a woman living in an 800 square foot apartment with her mother who is dependent on her.

  • The woman expresses her gratitude for the apartment and details her struggle with unemployment.
  • She has dreams that she is determined to achieve despite her current circumstances.
  • The host gives her $1,000 in cash.

Chapter 4

Other Recipients' Stories

5:30 - 2 min, 47 sec

The video showcases more recipients' stories, including a woman who was laid off due to the pandemic and a family where both parents have been out of work for the first time.

The video showcases more recipients' stories, including a woman who was laid off due to the pandemic and a family where both parents have been out of work for the first time.

  • One of the recipients is a woman who hasn't worked for a month due to the pandemic, and her boyfriend has been helping her with food.
  • Another recipient lives with her parents and three siblings, and her parents, who have worked for Anaheim Area Corporation for 30 years, are out of work for the first time.
  • Each recipient is given $1,000 in cash.

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Additional Funding

8:17 - 53 sec

The video concludes with reflections on the importance of kindness and the announcement of additional funding from NordVPN.

The video concludes with reflections on the importance of kindness and the announcement of additional funding from NordVPN.

  • The host reflects on the importance of being kind and listening to others, as everyone is dealing with their own challenges.
  • He thanks NordVPN for sponsoring the project and announces that they have agreed to provide an additional $20,000 for him to distribute.
  • The host expresses his excitement about being able to help more families.

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