Funciones, Funciones Especiales, Gráficas de Funciones
Academia Internet
53 min, 59 sec
The video provides a comprehensive study on mathematical functions, their domains, special functions, and graphical representations.
- The video begins with basic mathematical definitions including ordered pairs and their equality.
- The concept of the Cartesian product of sets is explained with examples and the difference between AxB and BxA is highlighted.
- Various properties of the Cartesian product are discussed including its cardinality and non-commutative nature.
- The video delves into the domain and range of relations, providing definitions and examples for better understanding.
- Special functions such as constant, identity, absolute value, sign, square root, cubic, step, quadratic, multiplicative inverse, and floor functions are introduced along with their graphical representations.
Chapter 1
The introduction to mathematical functions covers basic definitions, ordered pairs, their equality, and initial examples.
- Basic definitions such as ordered pairs and their components are reviewed.
- Equality of ordered pairs is explained with examples.
- An exercise is given to practice the definition of ordered pair equality.
Chapter 2

The Cartesian product of sets and its properties are explained with diagrams and examples.
- The Cartesian product is defined with examples using set diagrams and tree diagrams.
- Properties of the Cartesian product, such as non-commutativity and extension to more than two sets, are discussed.
- Examples are given to show how to calculate the number of elements in a Cartesian product.

Chapter 3

The concepts of domain and range of relations are introduced with definitions and graphical illustrations.
- Domain and range are defined for relations with visual examples.
- The distinction between domain and range is illustrated with a graph of two sets, A and B.
- Graphical representation of the Cartesian product is used to explain domain and range.

Chapter 4

Different types of relations are explained, including reflexive, symmetric, transitive, and equivalence relations.
- Reflexive, symmetric, and transitive properties of relations are defined.
- A relation that satisfies all three properties is named an equivalence relation.
- Examples are provided to illustrate these types of relations.

Chapter 5

Special functions and their graphical representations are covered, including constant, identity, absolute value, and more.
- Special functions such as constant, identity, absolute value, sign, square root, cubic, step, quadratic, multiplicative inverse, and floor functions are introduced.
- Graphical representations of these functions are shown, with explanations on how to sketch their graphs.
- Domain and range for each special function are explained.