Goodbye For Now.



9 min, 27 sec

Meat Canyon discusses his personal struggles with content creation, announces a shift away from parodies towards more original work, and expresses gratitude to his audience.


  • Meat Canyon, also known as Hunter, reflects on making cartoons for nearly 5 years and feels a need to evolve creatively.
  • He expresses dissatisfaction with creating content solely for subscriber growth and financial stability, feeling it contributes to negativity.
  • The creator shares his struggle with happiness in the content creation process and hints at a break for an undefined period.
  • Meat Canyon thanks his patrons and audience for their support and aims to make more genuine, evergreen content in the future.
  • He promotes his other channel, Papa Meat, as a creative outlet and reassures fans of his ongoing passion for animation and storytelling.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Creative Frustration

0:00 - 1 min, 11 sec

Meat Canyon introduces himself and shares his realization for the need of change in his creative work.

Meat Canyon introduces himself and shares his realization for the need of change in his creative work.

  • Meat Canyon, or Hunter, hasn't shown his face on the channel in a long time, preferring cartoon form.
  • He's been reflecting on his content and believes he can do better, aspiring to move away from negative influences.
  • Struggling with the pressure of frequent uploads and the pursuit of subscribers and money, he feels it's detrimental to his happiness.

Chapter 2

Content Reflections and Personal Struggles

1:10 - 47 sec

A review of past works and personal feelings about the content and the creative process.

A review of past works and personal feelings about the content and the creative process.

  • Reflects on past videos such as 'Logan Paul steals your wallet' and 'Velma is a panic attack', questioning their significance.
  • Admits to not being happy making videos for a while, even if he doesn't consider them bad.
  • Acknowledges hurtful comments but accepts them as part of the experience.

Chapter 3

Evolving Creatively and Focusing on Fulfillment

1:58 - 36 sec

Meat Canyon discusses his desire to evolve his content to be more fulfilling and hints at taking a break.

Meat Canyon discusses his desire to evolve his content to be more fulfilling and hints at taking a break.

  • Finds fulfillment in creating characters like Melvin and original monsters over parody content.
  • Plans to take a break from regular uploads to focus on projects that he enjoys.
  • Aims to overcome the fear of change and time, which he sees as his main obstacles.

Chapter 4

Financial Stability and Channel Priorities

2:33 - 33 sec

Discussing the financial aspect of content creation and the prioritization of his channels.

Discussing the financial aspect of content creation and the prioritization of his channels.

  • Addresses the financial pressure of running a business and how it has influenced his upload schedule.
  • Mentions his other channel, Papa Meat, which is now his main source of income and allows him to be more creative.

Chapter 5

Creative Authenticity and Future Aspirations

3:06 - 19 sec

Highlighting the need for authenticity in his work and sharing his aspirations for future content.

Highlighting the need for authenticity in his work and sharing his aspirations for future content.

  • Wants to create content that feels genuine and can be respected, regardless of the popularity or pace of uploads.
  • Expresses a desire to produce work that remains relevant and meaningful over time.

Chapter 6

Gratitude and Embracing Change

3:26 - 45 sec

Expressing gratitude to his audience and embracing the change that's happening with his creative direction.

Expressing gratitude to his audience and embracing the change that's happening with his creative direction.

  • Thanks his patrons and viewers for their support and for giving purpose to his work.
  • Acknowledges the audience's right to be informed about significant changes in his content strategy.

Chapter 7

Papa Meat Channel Promotion

4:10 - 1 min, 6 sec

Promoting his other channel, Papa Meat, which allows him to explore more creative freedom.

Promoting his other channel, Papa Meat, which allows him to explore more creative freedom.

  • Invites viewers to check out Papa Meat, where he posts more frequently and explores various creative ideas.
  • Describes plans for the channel, including 2D and live-action content, big puppets, props, VFX, and sets.

Chapter 8

A Thank You Message and Future Plans

5:17 - 32 sec

Meat Canyon thanks his audience for their support and outlines his future plans for content creation.

Meat Canyon thanks his audience for their support and outlines his future plans for content creation.

  • Thanks viewers for enduring his content over the years and indicates a shift in his approach to storytelling.
  • Looks forward to creating content that is genuine, soulful, and colorful, and that fans can be proud of.

Chapter 9

Concluding Thoughts and Farewell

5:48 - 3 min, 37 sec

Meat Canyon concludes by expressing his need for change and thanks his audience for their lasting support.

Meat Canyon concludes by expressing his need for change and thanks his audience for their lasting support.

  • Acknowledges the need for a break to re-energize and to work on more fulfilling projects.
  • Wishes the audience well and looks forward to returning with exciting new content.