Goodbye Internet
The Game Theorists
25 min, 1 sec
The host announces his departure from regularly hosting Theory channels and details his reasons and future endeavors.
- The host announces that he will no longer be the regular face of the Theory channels after March 9th, passing the mantle to new hosts.
- He reflects on the journey of the channels, the impact they've had, and the significance of this change in his life.
- Reasons for leaving include personal life changes, the desire to avoid burnout, and the wish to exit on a high note.
- The transition plan includes a series of final episodes leading to a large farewell event, after which the new hosts will take over.
- The host shares his future plans to still contribute creatively behind the scenes and work on new projects, like creating original intellectual property.
Chapter 1

The host initiates a candid conversation announcing his departure from regular hosting duties on the Theory channels.
- The host begins by announcing that he will be hosting his last Theory episode on March 9th.
- He mentions that he is more disorganized than usual as he wanted the announcement to be direct and personal.
- An emotional tone is set as the host expresses that he will miss the interaction and relationship with the audience.

Chapter 2

The host explains his reasons for stepping away from the channels, citing personal growth and changes in his life.
- The host cites the channel as his and Stephanie's first child, predating their actual children and pets.
- He reflects on how the channel has been a significant part of his life, consuming a third of it with numerous theories created.
- The reasons for leaving include the changes in his personal life, like wanting to spend more time with his family, and the realization of getting older.

Chapter 3

The host discusses the steps taken in preparation for the transition, including staffing and training the team.
- The host and Stephanie had been anticipating this transition for three years, gradually preparing for it.
- They staffed up the channels, partnered with a larger company, and spent considerable time training the team to ensure a smooth transition.
- The host emphasizes that the decision to leave was not easy but necessary for personal growth and sustainability.

Chapter 4

The host shares personal reflections on why he's moving on and what he will miss.
- The host misses the time when life was simpler and he could enjoy games without thinking about content creation.
- He acknowledges his love for theorizing but not the late nights and work-first lifestyle that has dominated his life.
- The changing internet landscape and his desire to spend more time with his growing son also contribute to his decision.

Chapter 5

The host is influenced by other creators' farewell videos and the timing of his departure.
- The host mentions Tom Scott's farewell video, jokingly implying it influenced his decision, but clarifies his reasons align with other creators who have recently left.
- He explains that the timing feels right due to the channel's success, new ventures, and his personal milestones.

Chapter 6

The host reflects on the legacy and impact of the Theory channels on the online community.
- The host considers the channel's influence, with references to the show's catchphrases becoming part of the popular culture.
- He expresses pride in the achievements of the past year, including high viewership and successful expansion into new content areas.

Chapter 7

Details on the final episodes leading up to the transition and the nature of the celebratory change.
- The host plans a series of final episodes revisiting old favorites and providing closure on various topics.
- A celebratory event is scheduled for March 9th, after which the new hosts will take over the channels.

Chapter 8

The host introduces the new hosts who will take over the Theory channels after his departure.
- The transition will not be to a single person but to four individuals who have been part of the team and are experts in their respective fields.
- The new hosts have been gradually taking on more responsibilities, and the audience may already be familiar with them through various channel activities.

Chapter 9

Detailed profiles of the four new hosts who will be leading the Theory channels.
- Lee, with ten years of experience on the channel, will take over Film Theory.
- Amy, a six-year veteran of the team, will host Style Theory.
- Santi, from Food Theory, and Tom, from Game Theory, are passionate fans-turned-creators who bring their own expertise to the channels.

Chapter 10

The host addresses his future involvement with the channels and his new creative pursuits.
- The host will remain involved with the creative direction and episode brainstorming for the Theory channels.
- He looks forward to creating new intellectual property that will challenge the new hosts and entertain the audience.

Chapter 11

The host shares his final thoughts, expressing gratitude and emotion for the journey with the audience.
- The host reflects on his evolution from an edgy older brother figure to 'Grandpa Pat', cherishing the relationship with the audience.
- He reiterates his gratitude and the special bond created through the channels, emphasizing the impact both have had on each other.