Heart disease press release

Dr. John Campbell

Dr. John Campbell

16 min, 58 sec

The video discusses the concerning rise in excess deaths globally, with a detailed focus on the increase in cardiovascular-related fatalities.


  • Excess deaths are a worldwide issue, with countries like the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Netherlands, and Japan experiencing significant surges.
  • The British Heart Foundation released alarming data indicating a rise in early heart disease deaths in the UK to a 14-year high.
  • Over 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions have occurred in England since February 2020.
  • The presenter expresses concern over the lack of government action and research into the causes of these excess deaths.
  • A light-hearted mention of comedian Russell Brand and the presenter's bemusement over reaching 3 million subscribers on their educational channel.

Chapter 1

Excess Deaths: A Global Concern

0:01 - 3 min, 0 sec

Excess deaths are prevalent globally, not limited to the UK, as depicted by data from various countries.

Excess deaths are prevalent globally, not limited to the UK, as depicted by data from various countries.

  • The British Heart Foundation announced a worrying rise in cardiovascular deaths in the UK.
  • Excess deaths are an international issue, with countries like the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Netherlands, and Japan experiencing increases.
  • The United States has seen excess deaths above 10%, Canada around 15%, while Australia has experienced up to 20% excess deaths.

Chapter 2

Cardiovascular Fatalities in the UK

3:01 - 5 min, 26 sec

The British Heart Foundation reports a significant increase in cardiovascular deaths in the UK.

The British Heart Foundation reports a significant increase in cardiovascular deaths in the UK.

  • Over 100,000 unexpected cardiovascular deaths have been reported in England since February 2020.
  • The discussion includes the economic and social impact of these deaths, the rise in heart disease, and the government's lack of a serious response.
  • The British Heart Foundation emphasizes the need for analysis to understand the rising trend in early heart disease deaths.

Chapter 3

The Impact of Increased Cardiovascular Diseases

8:26 - 2 min, 55 sec

The surge in cardiovascular diseases has various implications, including economic costs and the need for urgent intervention.

The surge in cardiovascular diseases has various implications, including economic costs and the need for urgent intervention.

  • Cardiovascular diseases account for a quarter of all deaths in England, with costs amounting to billions of pounds annually.
  • The NHS England figures show a 72% increase in heart care waiting lists since February 2020.
  • 39,000 people in England died prematurely from cardiovascular conditions in 2022, marking the highest annual total since 2008.

Chapter 4

Questioning the Surge in Heart Failure Cases

11:21 - 2 min, 9 sec

The video questions the reasons behind the dramatic increase in heart failure cases and their implications.

The video questions the reasons behind the dramatic increase in heart failure cases and their implications.

  • The speaker is puzzled by the lack of clear reasons for the recent spike in heart diseases.
  • The increase in heart failure cases is distressing, with many patients experiencing severe symptoms and reduced quality of life.
  • The government's inaction and lack of research into the causes of these diseases are highlighted as concerning issues.

Chapter 5

Call for Answers and Accountability

13:30 - 3 min, 27 sec

The presenter calls for answers and accountability from global governments regarding the excess death rates.

The presenter calls for answers and accountability from global governments regarding the excess death rates.

  • The lack of official interest in investigating the causes of excess deaths is criticized.
  • The presenter feels let down by the government's failure to address the situation or fund research adequately.
  • The video ends with a touch of humor from comedian Russell Brand and the presenter expressing gratitude to their subscribers.

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