Homeowners Associations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)



25 min, 28 sec

The video provides a detailed critique of Homeowners Associations (HOAs), highlighting the issues faced by homeowners, including excessive fines, foreclosure threats, and lack of regulation.


  • HOAs are critiqued for being overly strict and punitive, often leading to absurd situations where homeowners are fined for minor or nonsensical infractions.
  • Management companies hired by HOAs can exacerbate the situation by actively searching for violations and imposing additional fines and legal fees.
  • HOAs have the power to foreclose on homes for unpaid dues and fines, often leading to homeowners losing their properties over relatively small debts.
  • There is a lack of government regulation over HOAs, leaving homeowners with limited recourse in disputes.
  • The video suggests potential reforms for HOAs, such as mandatory payment plans and banning foreclosures based solely on fines and legal fees.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the HOA Segment

0:02 - 43 sec

The video opens with the presenter teasing two separate stories: one about home ownership and HOAs, which is the main focus, and an alternative story about Chuck E. Cheese for younger viewers.

The video opens with the presenter teasing two separate stories: one about home ownership and HOAs, which is the main focus, and an alternative story about Chuck E. Cheese for younger viewers.

  • The story is targeted at those over 35, as younger viewers are humorously told they will never own a home.
  • An alternative 25-minute story about Chuck E. Cheese is offered to younger viewers.
  • The website for the Chuck E. Cheese story is provided, emphasizing that there is nothing for younger viewers in the main HOA story.

Chapter 2

Explaining Homeowners Associations

0:45 - 2 min, 54 sec

Homeowners Associations (HOAs) are introduced and explained, including their functions, the issues they cause, and the widespread impact they have on homeowners.

Homeowners Associations (HOAs) are introduced and explained, including their functions, the issues they cause, and the widespread impact they have on homeowners.

  • HOAs, or Community Associations, govern residential areas like neighborhoods and condos, often appearing as antagonists in local news stories.
  • HOAs make news for petty actions, such as removing benches, fining for holiday decorations, and enforcing trivial landscaping rules.
  • 29% of the U.S. population lives in a Community Association, with 82% of new single-family homes sold in 2021 being part of an HOA.

Chapter 3

The Power and Enforcement of HOA Rules

3:39 - 5 min, 39 sec

The video discusses the enforcement power of HOAs, including the ability to levy fines and foreclose on homes, and the role of management companies in exacerbating issues.

The video discusses the enforcement power of HOAs, including the ability to levy fines and foreclose on homes, and the role of management companies in exacerbating issues.

  • HOAs enforce various rules and can issue fines for non-compliance, with some being extremely petty or nonsensical.
  • Management companies hired by HOAs can aggressively seek out violations, causing a rapid accumulation of fines and legal fees for homeowners.
  • HOAs have the authority to foreclose on homes for unpaid dues, and homes can be sold at auction without the homeowner's knowledge.

Chapter 4

The Lack of Regulation and Accountability in HOAs

9:19 - 10 min, 23 sec

The video highlights the lack of government oversight and regulation over HOAs, leaving homeowners with few options when facing disputes with their HOA.

The video highlights the lack of government oversight and regulation over HOAs, leaving homeowners with few options when facing disputes with their HOA.

  • HOAs are private entities and disputes are seen as private matters, with no specific state agency regulating them.
  • Homeowners often have no government recourse in disputes with their HOA.
  • The video suggests that state governments should implement measures to protect homeowners from the worst outcomes of HOA disputes.

Chapter 5

Closing Remarks and HOA Parody

19:42 - 5 min, 34 sec

The video concludes with a satirical segment that parodies the overreach of HOAs and their impact on homeowners.

The video concludes with a satirical segment that parodies the overreach of HOAs and their impact on homeowners.

  • The parody segment features an HOA representative showcasing the absurdity of HOA rules and enforcement.
  • The representative highlights nonsensical fines and the power to foreclose on homes over small debts.
  • The segment emphasizes the need for clearer information about HOAs for potential homeowners.

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