How Hard Candy Flavors Are Made | WIRED



11 min, 53 sec

An exploration of how Loft Pursuits creates hard candy with complex flavors that evoke memories and imagination.


  • The video discusses the intricate process of making hard candy with flavors designed to trigger specific memories and responses.
  • Flavors include blueberry pie, apple cider, sweet corn, and ham, each with unique ingredients and techniques to replicate the intended taste.
  • The candy making process is carefully designed to manipulate texture and flavor release, using acids and other components for an authentic experience.
  • The video pays homage to Willy Wonka by creating a full meal experience in candy form, emphasizing the power of flavor in invoking nostalgia and imagination.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Flavor and Memory

0:01 - 44 sec

Introduction to the primacy of flavor in evoking memories and the goal to recreate a full meal in hard candy form.

Introduction to the primacy of flavor in evoking memories and the goal to recreate a full meal in hard candy form.

  • Flavor as a primal instinct can trigger memories.
  • The aim is to create a full meal experience with hard candy, including blueberry pie, sweet corn, apple cider, and ham.

Chapter 2

Making Blueberry Pie Candy

0:44 - 1 min, 33 sec

The process of making blueberry pie flavored candy, emphasizing the role of sugars, acids, and texture.

The process of making blueberry pie flavored candy, emphasizing the role of sugars, acids, and texture.

  • Corn syrup and sugar create an amorphous solid, ideal for hard candy.
  • Blueberry flavor is enhanced with acid, while pie crust flavor uses baked notes.
  • The liquid flavoring reduces water content to maintain consistency.

Chapter 3

Candy Coloring and Shaping Process

2:17 - 1 min, 4 sec

Coloring and shaping the candy, utilizing a cooling table and traditional equipment to ensure proper consistency and appearance.

Coloring and shaping the candy, utilizing a cooling table and traditional equipment to ensure proper consistency and appearance.

  • Food coloring is applied for an even color throughout the candy.
  • The cooling table is used to bring the candy to a clay-like consistency before it solidifies.
  • Pulled candy is used to create stripes with more surface area, affecting flavor release.

Chapter 4

Crafting Apple Cider Candy

3:22 - 1 min, 22 sec

Creating the apple cider candy with a focus on emulating carbonation and the use of different acids for varied sensory responses.

Creating the apple cider candy with a focus on emulating carbonation and the use of different acids for varied sensory responses.

  • Apple cider candy is made to simulate carbonation through the reaction of baking soda and malic acid.
  • Different acids, such as citric and malic, are chosen to trigger specific taste responses and memories.

Chapter 5

Seasonal Flavor Assortment

4:44 - 33 sec

The assortment of candy flavors reflects seasonal harvests and traditional feast associations.

The assortment of candy flavors reflects seasonal harvests and traditional feast associations.

  • Flavor assortment includes seasonal harvests like apples and corn.
  • The flavors are associated with feasts and historical availability.

Chapter 6

Savory Corn Candy Creation

5:18 - 48 sec

The unusual creation of savory corn candy, adding salt to evoke the taste of buttered corn.

The unusual creation of savory corn candy, adding salt to evoke the taste of buttered corn.

  • Corn is a common candy flavor in Asia and Europe.
  • Salt and pepper are added to the candy to create a savory-sweet taste, reminiscent of buttered corn.

Chapter 7

Developing Ham Candy

6:05 - 53 sec

The development of ham candy, a vegan product that replicates the complex flavors of ham without containing any meat.

The development of ham candy, a vegan product that replicates the complex flavors of ham without containing any meat.

  • Ham candy was developed over months to perfectly imitate the flavor without actual ham.
  • The flavor is designed to be instantly recognizable as ham to anyone who tries it.

Chapter 8

Conclusion: The Magic of Candy Making

6:58 - 4 min, 54 sec

The final thoughts on the craft of candy making, its ability to evoke imagination, and the personal experience of taste.

The final thoughts on the craft of candy making, its ability to evoke imagination, and the personal experience of taste.

  • Candy making is an art that can evoke imagination and personal memories.
  • The experience of tasting these candies is unique to each individual and connects to the inspiration from Willy Wonka.

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