How Sadhguru Overcame a Life-threatening Health Crisis | Sadhguru



14 min, 26 sec

Sadhguru narrates an intense story of a yogi and shares his own recent experience with a health crisis.


  • Sadhguru tells the story of a yogi in northern India who offered his own eyes to a woman mesmerized by them.
  • The yogi's gesture was to open the woman’s inner vision, indicating the lengths mystics would go for spiritual matters.
  • Sadhguru shares his personal experience with a health crisis that led to emergency surgery and a rapid recovery.
  • He discusses the value of life and the willingness to sacrifice for greater purposes, reflecting on his own readiness to risk his life for small things.
  • The talk concludes with a reminder to the audience about the depth of commitment to spiritual growth.

Chapter 1

Introduction of the Mystic Yogi

0:26 - 1 min, 29 sec

Sadhguru introduces the story of a committed yogi from northern India.

Sadhguru introduces the story of a committed yogi from northern India.

  • The yogi was devoted to an aspect of Shiva known as Alak Niranjan, representing that which is beyond perception.
  • Yogis like him would travel from home to home, receiving food but never money, as they considered the world their home.

Chapter 2

The Yogi's Encounter with a Woman

1:55 - 2 min, 51 sec

The yogi's encounters with a married woman lead to a drastic gesture.

The yogi's encounters with a married woman lead to a drastic gesture.

  • A wealthy woman is captivated by the yogi's eyes and feels ashamed for being drawn to him.
  • The yogi, realizing her fascination, offers his own eyes to her, literally, to help her see beyond the physical.

Chapter 3

Sadhguru's Health Crisis and Surgery

8:26 - 2 min, 31 sec

Sadhguru shares his recent health crisis and the decisions leading up to his surgery.

Sadhguru shares his recent health crisis and the decisions leading up to his surgery.

  • Sadhguru ignored excruciating pain due to commitments until an MRI revealed the seriousness of his condition.
  • Despite doctors' warnings, he completed his engagements, which aggravated his condition, necessitating emergency surgery.

Chapter 4

Reflections on Life and Death

10:56 - 2 min, 56 sec

Sadhguru reflects on life, death, and the willingness to sacrifice.

Sadhguru reflects on life, death, and the willingness to sacrifice.

  • He contemplates the value of life and his own readiness to sacrifice for spiritual growth or seemingly small things.
  • A story of a joyful blind German girl who sings Indian music inspires him during his recovery.

Chapter 5

Closing Thoughts

13:52 - 28 sec

Sadhguru concludes with advice for the audience on commitment and values.

Sadhguru concludes with advice for the audience on commitment and values.

  • Sadhguru reminds the audience of the importance of inner growth and the depth of his own commitment to it.
  • He cautions the audience to consider his willingness to risk his life before making judgments about spiritual practices like astrology.

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