How The Crips Gang Actually Works | How Crime Works | Insider



26 min, 13 sec

Tyrone White discusses his involvement with gangs, crime in Los Angeles, and how he changed his life.


  • Tyrone White, a former gang member, narrates his life of crime, rivalry with other gangs, and participation in drive-by shootings.
  • He details the types of firearms used in gangs, the business of selling guns, and the necessity of being prepared for gang warfare.
  • White describes the origins and evolution of the Crips, internal feuds, and alliances formed even with rival gangs like the Bloods for common interests.
  • He shares personal anecdotes, including his mother's obliviousness to his gang activities and a violent incident during a 'Sunday Funday'.
  • White provides insights into gang culture, including the significance of colors, clothing, hand signs, and graffiti.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Tyrone White's Past

0:00 - 35 sec

Tyrone White introduces himself and his history with gangs.

Tyrone White introduces himself and his history with gangs.

  • Tyrone White is a former gang member who had rivalries with blood gangs and others.
  • He participated in drive-by shootings and drug dealing, highlighting the no-win nature of gang wars.

Chapter 2

Guns in Gang Culture

0:43 - 1 min, 2 sec

White discusses the types of guns used in gangs and the gun trade.

White discusses the types of guns used in gangs and the gun trade.

  • Gang members used a variety of guns like 9 mm, AK-47s, and Tech9s, starting with small guns and advancing to larger ones with age.
  • Guns were traded even with enemy gangs as it was considered a business, potentially sourced from police or military.

Chapter 3

Gang Violence and Personal Reflections

1:54 - 2 min, 2 sec

Tyrone White reflects on his personal experiences with gang violence.

Tyrone White reflects on his personal experiences with gang violence.

  • White recalls the frequency of drive-by shootings in the 80s and 90s, and a particular incident he participated in that his mother unknowingly discussed on the phone.
  • He describes a violent incident at a gathering of car clubs and gang members that led to his homeboy being shot, but not fatally.

Chapter 4

Crips' History and Internal Conflicts

4:03 - 1 min, 55 sec

An overview of the founding of the Crips and the internal divisions that arose.

An overview of the founding of the Crips and the internal divisions that arose.

  • The Crips originated in the 60s with the formation of the East Side and West Side Crips, eventually dividing and forming various sets.
  • The death of founder Raymond Washington led to a split and ongoing feuds among subsets.

Chapter 5

Life in South Central LA and Gang Initiation

6:22 - 1 min, 13 sec

White shares his upbringing and initiation into the gang life.

White shares his upbringing and initiation into the gang life.

  • Raised by a strong single mother in South Central LA, White fell into gang life as a child, officially joining at age 10.
  • Initiation involved being jumped in or committing a crime, proving resilience and fighting skills.

Chapter 6

Gang Identity and Communication

7:43 - 3 min, 9 sec

The significance of gang colors, clothing, and communication is highlighted.

The significance of gang colors, clothing, and communication is highlighted.

  • Gang members identified with colors, adopting specific clothing, hand signs, and lingo.
  • White enjoyed the attire associated with the Crips and took pride in the cultural aspects such as gang walks and graffiti.

Chapter 7

Gang Hierarchy and Roles

11:04 - 2 min, 1 sec

White explains the gang hierarchy and the roles of members.

White explains the gang hierarchy and the roles of members.

  • Gang structure, while less formal than the mafia, had recognizable ranks such as OGs and street soldiers.
  • Members' actions varied from violent crimes to guiding younger members towards a better path.

Chapter 8

Drug Trade and Gang Economics

13:05 - 1 min, 44 sec

The economics of the drug trade within gangs are detailed.

The economics of the drug trade within gangs are detailed.

  • Weed and crack cocaine were sold by gang members, with the hierarchy determining the scale of the drug operations.
  • Drug supplies sometimes originated from cartels or government sources, with the ultimate goal of using the money to start legitimate businesses.

Chapter 9

LA Riots and Its Impact on Gang Truces

14:49 - 2 min, 22 sec

The LA riots of '92 and their temporary effect on gang truces are discussed.

The LA riots of '92 and their temporary effect on gang truces are discussed.

  • The Rodney King verdict ignited the LA riots, which led to temporary unity among rival gangs against the LAPD.
  • Community leaders orchestrated a short-lived peace treaty among gangs which eventually dissolved.

Chapter 10

Gangster Rap's Influence on Gang Culture

17:11 - 1 min, 55 sec

The rise of gangster rap and its influence on spreading gang culture globally is explored.

The rise of gangster rap and its influence on spreading gang culture globally is explored.

  • Gangster rap introduced Crip culture to the mainstream, influencing international audiences despite the dangerous realities of gang life.
  • Gangs became glorified, with their attire and lingo being adopted worldwide.

Chapter 11

Turning Point and Life Transformation

19:06 - 6 min, 23 sec

White recounts the turning points that led to his life transformation.

White recounts the turning points that led to his life transformation.

  • A football scholarship and working with youth in Oklahoma marked the beginning of White's transformation away from gang life.
  • Having children and the desire to make positive impacts drove his continued change.

Chapter 12

Challenges of Reform and Law Enforcement

25:29 - 36 sec

White discusses the challenges of reformation and his experiences in law enforcement.

White discusses the challenges of reformation and his experiences in law enforcement.

  • Despite becoming a police officer, White faced racism, discrimination, and eventually relapsed into criminal activity, leading to jail time.
  • He critiques LAPD's continued problematic tactics and suggests collaboration with community activists for positive change.

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