How to be happier in 5 steps with zero weird tricks | Laurie Santos

Big Think

Big Think

8 min, 31 sec

Laurie Santos, a psychology professor at Yale University, delves into the misconceptions about happiness and how to rewire our behaviors to increase our well-being.


  • We are not inherently wired for happiness; natural selection prioritizes survival and reproduction over happiness.
  • Many people, including college students and older individuals, report significant levels of unhappiness due to misconceptions about what brings happiness.
  • Miswanting is a common error where people pursue things they believe will make them happy, which often do not.
  • Comparing ourselves to others and hedonic adaptation are psychological patterns that diminish our happiness.
  • By engaging in 'rewirements', such as fostering social connections, helping others, practicing gratitude, savoring the moment, and exercising, we can enhance our well-being.

Chapter 1

Misconceptions About Happiness

0:04 - 41 sec

Laurie Santos introduces the idea that humans are not naturally wired for happiness and discusses the modern decline in happiness levels.

  • Humans are not biologically wired for happiness; survival and reproduction are natural selection's priorities.
  • There is a current trend of unhappiness among various age groups, including college students.
  • People often hold incorrect beliefs about what will make them happy.

Chapter 2

The Science of Miswanting

1:00 - 1 min, 5 sec

Dr. Santos explains the concept of 'miswanting' and how our minds misguide us in the pursuit of happiness.

  • 'Miswanting' refers to the pursuit of things we believe will make us happy but do not.
  • Psychologists Dan Gilbert and Tim Wilson have studied this phenomenon, revealing our flawed intuitions about happiness.
  • Common errors include overvaluing money, promotions, material possessions, and life milestones.

Chapter 3

Comparisons and Hedonic Adaptation

2:09 - 1 min, 20 sec

The chapter covers how comparison to others and hedonic adaptation negatively impact our happiness.

  • We set reference points and compare ourselves to others in terms of wealth, looks, marriages, and more.
  • Hedonic adaptation causes us to get used to our circumstances, reducing their impact on our happiness.
  • Impact bias leads us to overestimate the lasting happiness that good events will provide.

Chapter 4

Rewirements for Happiness

3:44 - 3 min, 39 sec

Dr. Santos discusses 'rewirements', behavioral changes that can lead to improved happiness.

  • Rewirements involve altering habits to counteract our biases and increase happiness.
  • Key rewirements include enhancing social connections, being other-oriented, and modifying thought patterns.
  • The practices are not for acute mental disorders but can lead to flourishing if incorporated into daily life.

Chapter 5

Practical Steps to Increase Happiness

7:28 - 29 sec

Several practical steps are outlined to help individuals actively increase their happiness.

  • Prioritize social connections and underestimate the positive impact of interacting with others.
  • Practice other-oriented behaviors like charity, volunteering, and giving compliments.
  • Adopt thought patterns that focus on gratitude and savoring the present moment.

Chapter 6

Physical Activity and Mental Health

6:23 - 29 sec

The importance of physical activity for mental health and how to easily incorporate it into daily life is emphasized.

  • Exercise is connected to mental health and can be as simple as moving more each day.
  • Just 20 minutes of physical activity daily can significantly boost well-being.

Chapter 7

Embracing Negative Emotions

7:29 - 26 sec

Negative emotions have a role in signaling important life aspects and should be regulated positively.

  • Negative emotions are indicators that can prompt necessary life changes or reaching out for support.
  • While negative emotions are part of being human, it's important not to wish them away but to manage them constructively.

Chapter 8

Applying Strategies for Happiness

8:00 - 19 sec

The importance of putting happiness strategies into practice rather than just learning about them is stressed.

  • Learning about happiness strategies is not enough; implementation is key.
  • Applying learned strategies can significantly alter happiness levels.

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