How To Build Huge Forearms: Optimal Training Explained (5 Best Exercises!)

Jeff Nippard

Jeff Nippard

7 min, 43 sec

The video covers a range of exercises aimed at developing forearms and grip strength, including their anatomy, proper techniques, and variations to enhance muscle engagement.


  • The forearms consist of over 20 muscles split into anterior and posterior compartments responsible for various wrist and finger movements.
  • Exercises like the reverse grip curl, wrist roller, barbell towel hold, and plate pinch are demonstrated to develop grip strength and forearm musculature.
  • Techniques for maximizing muscle engagement, such as thumbless grip and partial reps, are suggested, alongside common errors to avoid.
  • Isometric strength is targeted through exercises like the barbell towel hold, with dynamic range of motion exercises also recommended for comprehensive development.
  • Training frequency and volume are discussed, with advice for integrating forearm exercises into existing workout routines and a special hypertrophy guide offer.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Forearm Training

0:07 - 19 sec

Introduction to the technique Tuesday episode focusing on forearm and grip strength exercises.

Introduction to the technique Tuesday episode focusing on forearm and grip strength exercises.

  • The host emphasizes the importance of training forearms for an aesthetic appearance, especially when wearing t-shirts.
  • They introduce the topic and hint at the upcoming detailed explanation of exercises and their benefits.

Chapter 2

Forearm Anatomy

0:28 - 46 sec

Basic anatomy of the forearm is covered, explaining the muscle groups and their functions.

Basic anatomy of the forearm is covered, explaining the muscle groups and their functions.

  • The forearm contains over 20 muscles split into anterior and posterior compartments.
  • Anterior muscles are responsible for wrist and finger flexion while posterior muscles perform wrist and finger extension.
  • The brachioradialis, a prominent muscle, is highlighted for its role in flexing the elbow and its activation during certain curls.

Chapter 3

Reverse Grip Curl

1:16 - 1 min, 18 sec

The reverse grip curl is introduced as the first exercise for developing the brachioradialis muscle.

The reverse grip curl is introduced as the first exercise for developing the brachioradialis muscle.

  • An EZ bar or pre-loaded barbell can be used for the exercise, with a semi-pronated grip recommended to reduce wrist strain.
  • A thumbless grip is suggested to engage more forearm muscles, and varying wrist positions can enhance the mind-muscle connection.
  • The importance of performing the movement with control and the possibility of using partial reps for targeting the brachioradialis are discussed.

Chapter 4

Wrist Roller

2:39 - 42 sec

The wrist roller exercise is demonstrated, highlighting its effectiveness for working both sides of the forearm.

The wrist roller exercise is demonstrated, highlighting its effectiveness for working both sides of the forearm.

  • The exercise involves standing on an elevated surface and rolling a weighted rope by twisting the wrists.
  • Overloading can be achieved by adding weight or distance, and proper form involves keeping arms by the sides to reduce shoulder fatigue.

Chapter 5

Barbell Towel Hold

3:39 - 41 sec

The barbell towel hold is explained as a functional exercise for developing pure grip strength.

The barbell towel hold is explained as a functional exercise for developing pure grip strength.

  • A barbell is set up in a squat rack, and gym towels are wrapped around it to create a grip point.
  • The exercise is performed by gripping the towels and lifting the bar to lockout, with progression through increased time and weight.

Chapter 6

Plate Pinch

4:55 - 43 sec

The plate pinch is introduced as a drill for strengthening finger flexors and enhancing pinch strength.

The plate pinch is introduced as a drill for strengthening finger flexors and enhancing pinch strength.

  • Two weight plates are pinched together and lifted by squeezing the fingers, with progression to heavier plates for increased challenge.
  • Variations include using the thumb with individual fingers for specialized training, and the use of chalk for improved grip.

Chapter 7

Dynamic Range of Motion Exercises

5:59 - 44 sec

Dynamic exercises for the fingers and wrists are covered, emphasizing range of motion and muscle activation.

Dynamic exercises for the fingers and wrists are covered, emphasizing range of motion and muscle activation.

  • Hand grippers are suggested for at-home forearm training that actively moves the fingers.
  • Dumbbell wrist curls and extensions are recommended for targeted anterior and posterior forearm training, with a focus on higher reps for smaller muscle groups.

Chapter 8

Forearm Training Frequency and Volume

6:46 - 42 sec

Advice is given on how to integrate forearm exercises into existing workout routines and their importance for muscle development.

Advice is given on how to integrate forearm exercises into existing workout routines and their importance for muscle development.

  • While forearms receive indirect work from other exercises, direct isolation can be important, especially if they are a weak point.
  • One or two forearm exercises can be added once or twice per week, with a special hypertrophy guide offered for those looking to focus on forearm development.

Chapter 9

Closing Remarks and Special Offer

7:29 - 12 sec

The video concludes with a special offer for a detailed forearm hypertrophy guide and encouragement to support the channel.

The video concludes with a special offer for a detailed forearm hypertrophy guide and encouragement to support the channel.

  • The host offers a forearm hypertrophy guide for sale on their website, reduced to $5 in conjunction with the video.
  • They ask for support through purchases and encourage viewers to subscribe and like the video.

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