How To Build Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time: Step By Step Explained (Body Recomposition)

Jeff Nippard

Jeff Nippard

10 min, 49 sec

The video debunks the myth that simultaneous muscle gain and fat loss is impossible, explaining practical scenarios and steps for body recomposition.


  • The myth that you can't build muscle and lose fat at the same time stems from bodybuilding beliefs, but recent evidence suggests otherwise.
  • Certain groups, like new lifters or those who are detrained, can achieve body recomposition more easily.
  • To build muscle without a large surplus or even at maintenance caloric intake, one should focus on progressive overload in training and a proper diet.
  • A step-by-step approach includes determining a primary goal, caloric intake, macronutrient targets, and paying attention to sleep, stress, and nutrition timing.
  • The video introduces a comprehensive nutritional guide that includes meal plans, supplements, and strategies to support body recomposition.

Chapter 1

Debunking Muscle Building and Fat Loss Myths

0:00 - 41 sec

The video challenges the common belief that you cannot build muscle and lose fat simultaneously, referencing old bodybuilding practices and recent studies.

The video challenges the common belief that you cannot build muscle and lose fat simultaneously, referencing old bodybuilding practices and recent studies.

  • Common belief suggests separate bulking and cutting phases for muscle gain and fat loss.
  • Historical bodybuilding practices influenced this belief, emphasizing a caloric surplus for muscle gain.
  • Recent studies, like the one by Garth and colleagues in 2013, show that overfeeding does not significantly increase muscle gain compared to fat.

Chapter 2

Understanding Body Recomposition

0:40 - 56 sec

The video explains body recomposition, noting it's possible to gain muscle without a large caloric surplus and outlining scenarios where it's practical.

The video explains body recomposition, noting it's possible to gain muscle without a large caloric surplus and outlining scenarios where it's practical.

  • Body recomposition is possible because fat and muscle are separate systems.
  • New lifters, overweight individuals, detrained individuals, and steroid users are more likely to experience body recomposition.
  • The video argues that body recomposition goals are realistic for almost everyone.

Chapter 3

Scenarios Favorable to Body Recomposition

1:37 - 1 min, 3 sec

Scenarios where body recomposition is highly achievable are described, focusing on new lifters, overweight individuals, detrained individuals, and steroid users.

Scenarios where body recomposition is highly achievable are described, focusing on new lifters, overweight individuals, detrained individuals, and steroid users.

  • New lifters can easily build muscle and lose fat at the same time.
  • Overweight individuals have energy reserves in body fat that can be used to build muscle while in a caloric deficit.
  • Detrained individuals benefit from muscle memory, allowing them to regain muscle quickly.
  • Steroid use can also lead to rapid muscle gain while tapping into fat stores for energy.

Chapter 4

Expanding Body Recomposition Potential

2:40 - 1 min, 19 sec

The potential for body recomposition is expanded to include sub-optimized trainees and observations from research in more advanced athletes.

The potential for body recomposition is expanded to include sub-optimized trainees and observations from research in more advanced athletes.

  • Many gym-goers, even with years of experience, may still be considered newbies if their training was not sufficiently intense or smart.
  • Sub-optimized trainees, those not fully maximizing their efforts, can also achieve body recomposition.
  • Research shows that even advanced trainees can experience body recomposition with optimized training and nutrition.

Chapter 5

Optimizing Training for Recomposition

3:58 - 1 min, 20 sec

The video focuses on the importance of training as the primary driver of body recomposition, emphasizing progressive overload and proper technique.

The video focuses on the importance of training as the primary driver of body recomposition, emphasizing progressive overload and proper technique.

  • Training is the key factor in body recomposition, with the analogy of a car's engine and fuel.
  • Focus on progressive overload, effort, proper technique, and adjust volume accordingly.
  • Establish a primary goal of either muscle gain or fat loss to guide training and nutrition strategies.

Chapter 6

Caloric Intake and Macronutrient Targets

5:19 - 2 min, 3 sec

Setting up caloric intake around maintenance and determining macronutrient targets are crucial steps for achieving body recomposition.

Setting up caloric intake around maintenance and determining macronutrient targets are crucial steps for achieving body recomposition.

  • Center caloric intake around maintenance, with slight adjustments for a surplus or deficit based on primary goals.
  • Protein intake should be aligned with lean body mass, with a sliding model based on body composition.
  • Fat and carb intake should be balanced, with a minimum of 20% of calories from fat.

Chapter 7

Fine-Tuning Details for Recomposition

7:22 - 2 min, 20 sec

Advanced strategies for fine-tuning body recomposition focus on sleep, nutrition timing, and supplementation.

Advanced strategies for fine-tuning body recomposition focus on sleep, nutrition timing, and supplementation.

  • Sleep is an underrated factor for physique transformation, as demonstrated by studies on its impact on fat versus lean mass loss.
  • Peri-workout nutrition and the timing of nutrients around workouts can be optimized.
  • Supplements like protein powder, creatine, and caffeine can aid in recomposition when used appropriately.

Chapter 8

Promoting the Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition

9:41 - 1 min, 6 sec

The video concludes by promoting a comprehensive nutritional guide that includes meal plans, training strategies, and customer support for those seeking body recomposition.

The video concludes by promoting a comprehensive nutritional guide that includes meal plans, training strategies, and customer support for those seeking body recomposition.

  • The video introduces the Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition with a launch discount.
  • The guide includes scientific references, step-by-step calorie and macro guidance, and food recommendations.
  • It also covers training for body recomposition and provides customer service support for buyers.

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