How To Eliminate Self Doubt Forever & The Power of Your Unconscious Mind | Peter Sage | TEDxPatras

TEDx Talks

TEDx Talks

18 min, 33 sec

A detailed exploration of why intelligent and motivated individuals procrastinate and self-sabotage, and how to overcome these tendencies.


  • Discusses why resources and opportunities are not the main reasons behind lack of success.
  • Explains the hardwiring of the human nervous system for comfort and the soul's innate need for growth.
  • Examines how childhood experiences shape self-perception and affect adult behavior, including self-sabotage.
  • Illustrates the importance of the brain's neocortex in decision-making and how habits form unconsciously.
  • Provides practical advice on altering one's environment and mindset to foster personal growth and overcome negative patterns.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Self-Sabotage and Procrastination

0:18 - 33 sec

The video opens with a question about why intelligent and motivated people procrastinate and self-sabotage.

The video opens with a question about why intelligent and motivated people procrastinate and self-sabotage.

  • The speaker questions why intelligent, self-motivated people often end up self-sabotaging and not exceeding a certain level of success.
  • He suggests that the issue is not a lack of resources or opportunity, as some people with limited resources achieve great success against the odds.

Chapter 2

Examining Success Stories and Human Hardwiring

0:51 - 1 min, 16 sec

The speaker references notable individuals who overcame hardships and discusses the human nervous system's preference for comfort.

The speaker references notable individuals who overcame hardships and discusses the human nervous system's preference for comfort.

  • References individuals like Colonel Sanders, Oprah Winfrey, Helen Keller, and Albert Einstein as examples of people who achieved success despite significant challenges.
  • Explains that the human nervous system is wired for comfort, but the essence of human growth lies outside the comfort zone.

Chapter 3

The Role of the Human Brain in Behavior

2:07 - 55 sec

The video delves into the brain's development, focusing on the neocortex and how childhood experiences influence behavior.

The video delves into the brain's development, focusing on the neocortex and how childhood experiences influence behavior.

  • Highlights the neocortex's role in making us human and its activation around the age of seven.
  • Childhood years are crucial for forming self-opinion, which can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors in adulthood due to negative experiences.

Chapter 4

Impact of Childhood Experiences on Adult Behavior

3:01 - 1 min, 44 sec

The speaker uses a story to illustrate how negative childhood experiences can result in a negative self-image and self-sabotaging behavior.

The speaker uses a story to illustrate how negative childhood experiences can result in a negative self-image and self-sabotaging behavior.

  • Provides an example of a child who internalizes a parent's negative remark, which can lead to lifelong feelings of unworthiness.
  • Explains how such deep-seated beliefs can cause a person to sabotage their success to conform to their ingrained self-image.

Chapter 5

The Brain's Default Settings and Habit Formation

4:45 - 1 min, 17 sec

The discussion moves to how the brain forms habits and the importance of intentional programming to overcome negative patterns.

The discussion moves to how the brain forms habits and the importance of intentional programming to overcome negative patterns.

  • Describes how the brain conserves energy by turning repetitive decisions into habits, which can be both beneficial and detrimental.
  • Mentions that most of our behaviors are unconscious, making it essential to intentionally program positive habits and behaviors.

Chapter 6

The Importance of Environment in Shaping Behavior

6:02 - 1 min, 25 sec

The speaker emphasizes how environment overrides willpower and intention, using examples to show the influence of habitual surroundings.

The speaker emphasizes how environment overrides willpower and intention, using examples to show the influence of habitual surroundings.

  • Asserts that environment ultimately dominates over personal intention in shaping behavior and habits.
  • Uses an analogy of someone unknowingly adopting a taste for jazz music to demonstrate the subconscious influence of the environment.

Chapter 7

Strategies for Overcoming Negative Patterns

7:27 - 4 min, 50 sec

The speaker offers three practical tips for overcoming self-sabotage and procrastination by changing what we consume and who we associate with.

The speaker offers three practical tips for overcoming self-sabotage and procrastination by changing what we consume and who we associate with.

  • Advises to stop consuming negative media and choose positive influences, highlighting the detrimental impact of mainstream media on mindset.
  • Recommends surrounding oneself with a supportive peer group and using available resources for personal growth.
  • Suggests working with a coach or mentor to address and remove negative unconscious patterns.

Chapter 8

The Path to Self Mastery and Making a Difference

12:17 - 5 min, 43 sec

The conclusion of the video underscores the importance of self mastery as a foundation for personal success and inspiring change in others.

The conclusion of the video underscores the importance of self mastery as a foundation for personal success and inspiring change in others.

  • Emphasizes self mastery as a key to success and the ability to remain centered amid chaos.
  • Encourages viewers to become the example and invitation for others to change, rather than imposing change upon them.

Chapter 9

Closing Remarks

18:00 - 31 sec

The video ends with the speaker thanking the audience, followed by closing music.

The video ends with the speaker thanking the audience, followed by closing music.

  • The speaker concludes with a thank you to the audience.
  • The video closes out with background music.

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