How To Increase Your Metabolism (Eat More, Lose More)

Jeff Nippard

Jeff Nippard

14 min, 28 sec

The video addresses whether various strategies can speed up one's metabolism and how effective they are.


  • The video explores how metabolism and metabolic rate affect weight loss, and how different individuals have varying metabolic rates.
  • Strategies to boost metabolism are categorized into 'it works', 'might work', and 'probably doesn't work'.
  • Drinking water and eating spicy food provides a modest metabolic boost, while building muscle has a more significant effect.
  • Reverse dieting, meal frequency, and saunas show little to no impact on metabolism, whereas cardio does increase calorie burn despite some energy compensation.
  • Weighted vests may also boost metabolism, but more research is needed, and the video suggests other reliable strategies for effective weight management.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Metabolism and Weight Loss

0:00 - 51 sec

The video begins with an introduction to metabolism in the context of fitness and weight loss.

The video begins with an introduction to metabolism in the context of fitness and weight loss.

  • Metabolism is defined as metabolic rate or total energy expenditure, which is how many calories the body burns per day.
  • A fast metabolism means the body burns a lot of calories, while a slow metabolism means fewer calories are burned.
  • There can be significant differences in metabolic rates between individuals of the same sex, height, and body weight.

Chapter 2

Variability of Metabolic Rates

0:50 - 26 sec

The video examines the variability in metabolic rates among individuals.

The video examines the variability in metabolic rates among individuals.

  • A 2022 study on daily energy expenditure suggests that metabolic rates vary widely among individuals.
  • Two people with the same body weight could have drastically different daily caloric burns, influencing their diet requirements for weight loss.

Chapter 3

Metabolic Rate and Caloric Intake

1:16 - 25 sec

The video discusses the relationship between metabolic rate and caloric intake for weight loss.

The video discusses the relationship between metabolic rate and caloric intake for weight loss.

  • People with a slow metabolism require fewer calories to lose weight compared to those with a fast metabolism.
  • The video raises the question of whether individuals can speed up their metabolism to allow for increased caloric intake.

Chapter 4

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Water Intake

1:41 - 1 min, 30 sec

The video discusses whether drinking water can boost metabolism.

The video discusses whether drinking water can boost metabolism.

  • Drinking cold water burns more calories than room temperature water as the body expends energy to heat it up.
  • Each glass of cold water burns approximately eight calories.
  • The impact of increased water intake on long-term fat loss is uncertain; it's categorized as 'might work'.

Chapter 5

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Green Tea Consumption

3:11 - 1 min, 25 sec

The video addresses whether green tea consumption leads to a boost in metabolism.

The video addresses whether green tea consumption leads to a boost in metabolism.

  • Studies show mixed results on green tea's effect on metabolism, with some suggesting a small increase and others showing no benefit.
  • Green tea is placed in the 'probably doesn't work' category for boosting metabolism.

Chapter 6

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Spicy Food

4:36 - 1 min, 13 sec

The video evaluates the thermogenic effect of spicy food on metabolism.

The video evaluates the thermogenic effect of spicy food on metabolism.

  • Capsaicin in chili peppers shows some evidence of increasing energy expenditure.
  • Spicy food may aid in weight loss by increasing satiety and fullness rather than significantly boosting metabolism.
  • Spicy food is placed in the 'might work' category.

Chapter 7

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Sauna Use

5:49 - 29 sec

The video explores whether sauna use can increase metabolic rate.

The video explores whether sauna use can increase metabolic rate.

  • Sauna use increases heart rate but provides a minimal caloric burn over sitting at room temperature.
  • The sauna is categorized as 'probably doesn't work' for boosting metabolism.

Chapter 8

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Cold Exposure

6:18 - 31 sec

The video discusses the effects of cold exposure on metabolism.

The video discusses the effects of cold exposure on metabolism.

  • Cold plunges increase oxygen consumption and shivering, indicating a metabolic boost.
  • The calorie burn from cold exposure is not substantial enough to categorize it as an effective metabolism booster.

Chapter 9

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Building Muscle

6:49 - 48 sec

The video covers the impact of building muscle on metabolism.

The video covers the impact of building muscle on metabolism.

  • Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, with one pound of muscle burning more calories at rest than one pound of fat.
  • Building muscle is categorized as 'it works' for boosting metabolism.

Chapter 10

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Reverse Dieting

7:37 - 54 sec

The video examines the concept of reverse dieting and its effects on metabolism.

The video examines the concept of reverse dieting and its effects on metabolism.

  • Reverse dieting involves gradually increasing calories post-diet with the aim of boosting metabolism.
  • The video expresses skepticism towards reverse dieting and categorizes it as 'might work'.

Chapter 11

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Meal Frequency

8:32 - 58 sec

The video looks into whether increasing meal frequency can enhance metabolism.

The video looks into whether increasing meal frequency can enhance metabolism.

  • Studies show no significant impact of meal frequency on metabolism or fat mass.
  • Meal frequency is placed in the 'probably doesn't work' category for metabolic boosting.

Chapter 12

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Cardio

9:30 - 1 min, 17 sec

The video discusses the role of cardio in increasing calorie burn.

The video discusses the role of cardio in increasing calorie burn.

  • Cardio burns calories but is subject to energy compensation, where the body burns fewer calories through non-exercise activities to offset the increased burn from cardio.
  • Despite energy compensation, cardio still results in a net calorie burn and is categorized as 'it works'.

Chapter 13

Strategies to Boost Metabolism: Weighted Vests

10:47 - 1 min, 9 sec

The video evaluates the potential of weighted vests to increase metabolic rate.

The video evaluates the potential of weighted vests to increase metabolic rate.

  • Weighted vests may trick the body into thinking it's heavier, leading to increased caloric expenditure.
  • The video shares anecdotal success but requires more research before confidently categorizing it, thus it's placed in the 'might work' category.

Chapter 14

Effective Strategies for Weight Management

11:56 - 1 min, 11 sec

The video concludes with additional strategies for effective weight management.

The video concludes with additional strategies for effective weight management.

  • Avoid very low-calorie diets, aim for gradual weight loss, and increase non-exercise activity for better metabolism.
  • Physical activity, regular weighing, weight training, and lifestyle changes are more reliably associated with long-term weight loss.

Chapter 15

Macro Factor App for Metabolism Tracking

13:07 - 1 min, 18 sec

The video highlights the Macro Factor app as a tool for tracking metabolism and diet adjustments.

The video highlights the Macro Factor app as a tool for tracking metabolism and diet adjustments.

  • The app adjusts diet based on individual metabolism and provides optimal nutrition targets.
  • The app includes features like a fast food logger, AI meal description, and an expanded European food database.

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