How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen



4 min, 29 sec

The video discusses the phenomenon of 'choking' under pressure in high-stakes situations and offers insights into why it happens and how to prevent it.


  • Choking is a common issue where skilled individuals fail at crucial moments due to intense pressure.
  • Distraction theories suggest that worries and fears can preoccupy the mind, disrupting focus and overwhelming working memory.
  • Explicit monitoring theories posit that overthinking the mechanics of a well-learned skill can interfere with performance.
  • Studies indicate that practicing under stress, establishing pre-performance routines, and focusing on the end goal can mitigate choking.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Choking Under Pressure

0:06 - 36 sec

The video introduces the concept of choking during high-pressure situations in sports and other performance contexts.

The video introduces the concept of choking during high-pressure situations in sports and other performance contexts.

  • An athlete missing a crucial shot is an example of choking under pressure.
  • Choking occurs in various fields, including sports, public speaking, and music.
  • Nerves are often blamed for choking, but the underlying issue is related to focus.

Chapter 2

Theories Explaining Choking

0:46 - 1 min, 6 sec

The video examines two sets of theories that explain the psychological mechanisms behind choking under pressure.

The video examines two sets of theories that explain the psychological mechanisms behind choking under pressure.

  • Distraction theories argue that worries and fears distract from the task, particularly affecting tasks that require working memory.
  • Explicit monitoring theories suggest that overanalyzing a skill can disrupt automatic performance.
  • A study on university students showed that stress impaired performance on complex tasks.

Chapter 3

Studies on Choking in Sports

1:56 - 56 sec

The video presents research on how choking occurs in sports and the factors that influence it.

The video presents research on how choking occurs in sports and the factors that influence it.

  • Competitive golfers who focused on the mechanics of their stroke choked more than those who focused on accuracy.
  • Choking isn't inevitable and is more common in individuals who are self-conscious and fear negative judgment.

Chapter 4

Techniques to Avoid Choking

2:55 - 1 min, 5 sec

The video discusses strategies to prevent choking, such as practicing under stress and developing pre-performance routines.

The video discusses strategies to prevent choking, such as practicing under stress and developing pre-performance routines.

  • Practicing under stressful conditions can help performers become accustomed to pressure.
  • Pre-performance routines, like deep breathing or repeating a cue word, can improve consistency.
  • Focusing on the end goal rather than the mechanics leads to better performance.

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